
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Almost Wordless Wednesday - December 9, 2009

Charles William Grose
28 Mar 1920 - 24 Aug 1974
Charles Grose was my uncle, and I remember vividly his wit and humor.

Born the eldest child of John William Grose and Louvina McCutchen in Clark County, Indiana, Charles was a loving man who would literally give the shirt off of his back if someone needed it!

He met and married Laura Marion Dreher in Indiana July 4, 1948. The couple had two children, Charles, Jr. and Lavina.

When he died in August 1974, Charles was a Sheriff in Indiana and a Deputy Sheriff across the state line in Kentucky. The funeral home could not hold the crowd of people who arrived for his wake nor his funeral! People quite literally lined up on the lawn and around the block. He was just that sort of man. The procession to graveyard was estimated to be over 2-miles long!

Uncle Charles remains the man who taught me to bait a fishing hook, and helped me catch my first fish! So my favorite memories of him are of him sitting on the river bank, fishing pole in hand.

He's been gone over 30-years now... but I still smile when I think of him. And I know he watches over me. For some reason, I was the one he always watched over the most, and I know he hasn't stopped that. I feel him near at times. What a comfort that is!

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