
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Treasure Chest Thursday - 19 Nov. 2009

Jacob with Texicanwife's parents
Kaylee with the Texicanwife


Today is "Treasure Chest Thursday", and I thought I would take today to show my greatest treasures of all! These are my four grandchildren.
I know, I know, you all hear me talk about my twelve [12] grandchildren. Those 12 are my natural grandchildren, as well as those of our extended family. And I love them ALL equally, and just as dearly!
But the four you see above are those who share my genealogy. The blood of my ancestors flows through their veins. And it is to these four that I will be leaving behind one day the work that I am now accumulating on our ancestry.
While they are shown above in no particular order, let me introduce you to them.
Savannah - is almost 8 [she will be in January], and she is my eldest grandchild. She had a rough time when she first arrived in this world. She was born too early, and was very sick. But just look at her now! Isn't she a princess? Savannah is the daughter of my eldest son, Chris.
Olivia - is also almost 8 [she will be in March]. She was born just a few weeks after Savannah. Olivia is my big girl. So grown up and mature for her age! Sharp as a tack! Olivia is the daughter of my son, David.
Jacob - is the youngest grandson. Jacob just turned 4 in September. He and his Daddy are now living with us [or rather Jacob is with us every other week - such is the reality of divorce in the modern world]. Jacob is especially close to my Dad, his great-grandpa. He wants everything his "Pawpaw" has, including red suspenders [his current "got-to-have" item!]. Jacob is the son of our youngest boy, Mike.
and Kaylee - is our youngest grandchild. She was just born on the 11th of this month. Kaylee is also the daughter of our eldest child, Chris.
These precious four are my treasure chest! These are the "heirs" of my "fortune". That which is our heritage and our ancestry.
Aren't they lovely?

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