
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tombstone Tuesday - October 13, 2009

John Crosier
John Crosier was born 01 March 1811 in Virginia. The son of William Crosier and Sarah Bowyer, he was only one of 12 children born to the couple.
John married Nancy Chapman in Monroe County [W]Virginia about 1847. The couple went on to have at least 4 children: George William, Louis Pharr, Sarah Jane, and Mary Alice.
In 1884, John's eldest son, George, left his young wife alone with 6 children to raise. His wife, Araminta Agnes Duncan, died shortly afterward. The children were split apart and sent to various relatives to raise. John, already in his 70's, took the two youngest children, Lee and Blain, to finish raising on his own. [John's wife Nancy had already died by this time.]
John lived to be an amazing 101 years old. Many of his descendants like to tell the tale that he was "110" or "111" years old when he died, thus increasing his stature. However, records bear the account that John did live to an astounding 101.
John is buried in New Zion Union Church Cemetery in the small community of Waiteville, West Virginia, not far from the farm where he lived most of his life.

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