
Monday, September 14, 2009

Saturday Night Challenge - Monday Evening

Should have known! Last Saturday I managed to read my challenge on time! However, this weekend, the old Texicanwife was feeling a bit low [have a nasty sinus infection], so I didn't even look at my computer until this evening late.

On Saturday, Randy gave us the following challenge:
"1) Make your own Trading Card(s) on . It's easy to do, but you need a head shot photo of your subject.

2) Post your Trading Card on your web site, your blog, or on your Facebook account (or some other account where you can upload a JPG file).

3) Can you think of other uses for these trading cards? If so, tell us about it!"

With that, here's my trading card!

Other uses for my trading card?

Just to make me [and everyone else] laugh!

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