
Thursday, September 17, 2009

99 Year Old Dies - Leaves 1,400 Descendants

Grandmother, Rachel Krishevsky, died last Saturday, September 12th, 2009, and left behind no less than 1,400 descendants [children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren].

Rachel married her cousin, Yitzhak, just before her 19th birthday. They went on to have 11 children - seven sons and four daughters. These 11 went on to produce 150 of their own children.

These 150 children continued in the same vein and had no less than 1000 children. At the time of her death, Rachel was blessed with a few hundred great-great-grandchildren.

Rachel lived her whole life next to Jerusalem's Mahane Yehuda open air market.

One of Rachel's grandchildren commented, "She knew the entire book of Psalms by heart, and participated in all the family events, happy and sad, up until two years ago. She knew all of her descendants. We are sad about her death, but proud of what she achieved in her life and her righteousness and compassion."

The Jerusalem community has 2 more individuals with even greater generational descendants. A Hassidic family in the Mea Shearim community has great-great-great-grandchildren. And Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, a leader of the Lithuanian branch of haredi Judaism greeted great-great-grandson's first born child recently.

We should all be so blessed!


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