
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Saturday Night Challenge - Sunday Morning

Once again, I don't receive my Saturday Night Challenge until the next day!

Here is Randy's Challenge for this week:

"It's Saturday Night, time for some Genealogy Fun! Even though I'm on vacation, I don't want you to miss having some genealogy fun even if I'm away from home having fun in my "real" life.

Here is your challenge for tonight (or whenever you read this):

1) Write down which of your ancestors that you have met in person (yes, even if you were too young to remember them).

2) Tell us their names, where they lived, and their relationship to you in a blog post, or in comments to this post, or in comments on Facebook."

And here is my response:


1] Mary Faudree Bean [my grand mother] - 1897-1975: lived in Monroe County, WV except for a period of about 8 years when she lived with our family in Norfolk, VA.

2] Walter Beane [my Dad] - b. 1937 in Monroe County, WV; has lived and moved around the globe during 22 years active duty in the military; back in WV since he retired in 1976.

1] Henry Dreher, Jr. [my grandfather] - 1902-1977; born in Jefferson Co., KY and lived most of his adult life in Floyd Co., IN.

2] Irene Banet Dreher [my grandmother] - 1906-1988; lived most of her life in Floyd Co., IN; spent the last 10 years of her life in Monroe Co., WV

3] Lois Dreher Beane [my mother] - b. 1938; born in Floyd Co., IN, but lived and moved about quite a bit due to her career in the Women's Army Corps [WACs] in the 1950's, and then married to a career military man. Has lived in WV since 1973.

So all total, I have known 5 of my ancestors. Four of whom I have actually lived with.

Mine is a rather short list! I am interested in knowing who will have the most ancestors!!!

Let's hear from everyone!

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