
Sunday, June 28, 2009

Saturday Night Fun [On Sunday Morning]

Last night Randy Seaver's issued a Saturday Night challenge on his blog, GeneaMusings; he challenged:

here is your SNGF assignment for tonight:

1) Identify one genealogist that you would like to meet. The person could be living or deceased.

2) Why do you want to meet with this person?

3) What would you talk about? What questions would you ask this person?

4) Write about your choice on your blog or in Comments to this post.

[You can read all about Randy's choice here]

Well, it's my turn. And I didn't have to think too hard!

1] My choice would be Megan Smolenyak Smolenyak.

2] Why? Because she has a reputation for breaking through those brick-walls, and I have one in my family that stumped the family genealogist before me, and which I've only made one step past! So, we've been hitting that brick-wall for well over 30 years!

3] What would we talk about? I think we'd strategize about how to break through that wall completely, and which steps I should next take to see that it happens!

What about you?

What genealogist living or dead would you most like to talk to?

Please let us know!!!

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