
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

2010 Census

From Dick Eastman's EOGN:

"An editorial in the New York Times questions the accuracy of the U.S. census to be conducted next year. With little more than six months before the start of the next count, the Census Bureau still doesn’t have a director. And now the bureau’s budget faces a crucial vote by House appropriators who must resist the temptation to shortchange the agency yet again.

In April, President Obama finally nominated Robert M. Groves, a top sociologist and survey expert, to lead the bureau, and in mid-May the Senate held Mr. Groves’s confirmation hearing. More than three weeks later, Mr. Groves has yet to be confirmed.

The article makes some interesting points but I must add one caveat: the article describes political games being played in Washington. I, too, am concerned about the accuracy of next year's census but one thing I am sure of: if the politicians get involved, the accuracy will be worse than ever! When was the last time a politician worried about the facts?

You can read all about the shenanigans at: "

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