
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What Does RSS Mean?

In lay men's terms, the RSS stands for: Really Simple Syndication and I have only recently joined the throng utilizing this method to receive all of my news and blog information.


When you join a news feed or blog, you will see that little RSS icon where you can take the URL of the feed and put into your newsreader. There are probably hundreds out there, but going on the recommendation made by Dick Eastman, I went with the NewsGator newsreader. You can download this free reader, put in your favorite feeds, and get everything you are subscribed to in one easy place!

That means that I just go to NewsGator and I can now read my many newsletters and blogs on one single site. No more flitting around, and maybe not getting to one site or another until there are dozens to catch up on. I get instant updates!

What a great find!

If you don't currently have a newsreader, I do highly recommend the NewsGator. You won't be sorry!

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