
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Bush Library May Be Last Housed In A Building

The following was taken from the 31 Mar 2009 EOGN:

"Bush Library May Be One of Last Housed in a Building

In an interesting sign of the technology available today, the new George W. Bush Presidential Library could be one of the last brick and mortar institutions of its kind.

Congress is looking for ways to cut the expense of overseeing such buildings, and some researchers say the traditional library setup for keeping presidential documents is outdated in a digital world. One possibility is to digitize all the presidential records and put them online, eliminating the need for costly buildings.

This is strictly a proposal at this time, not a defined plan. "We really want to hear from people who care about the libraries or who use the libraries and have suggestions," said Sharon Fawcett, the assistant archivist for presidential libraries.

The proposal aims to run the library system at less cost but with better access to presidential papers. The National Archives and Records Administration will deliver its report to Congress this summer.

You can read more in an article by Eaura Isensel in the Dallas News web site at "


Oh come on! With our country in debt for more than 4-trillion dollars, what's a couple of million for a brick and mortar Presidential library???? Hmmmm???? [Yes, that's sarcasm folks! I'm all for digitizing and putting Presidential documents into the hands of the people online. Accessibility is heightened a thousand-fold over a brick and mortar house for them!] - cbh

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