
Thursday, March 26, 2009

Another Look at Duffy's Cut!

The following is from the Mar 25, 2009 EOGN:

Several newsletter readers wrote to call attention to an excellent article on the BBC web site about Irish immigrants to America.

In 1832, 57 emigrants from Donegal, Derry and the surrounding counties set sail for a new life in America. They found work on the railroads, but within weeks they were all dead, struck down by cholera - or possibly even murdered by locals who believed the immigrants had brought the disease with them.

The men were buried where they had died, in a mass unmarked grave along 'Duffy's Cut', the section of the Philadelphia and Columbia railroad they helped to build. The grave was unmarked and soon forgotten, except for a few historians who kept the knowledge alive. Now the grave site has been found.

You can read the full story at: "

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