
Friday, September 12, 2008

Another EOGN Fascinating Article!

Okay, so leave it to Dick Eastman to provide us with yet another fascinating article! When you finish reading this, be sure to click on the link at the bottom and go to the Fulton County website to read the entire article concerning this find!


September 11, 2008
Today's Graffiti May Be Tomorrow's History

Be careful what you leave behind. Future historians may study your activities in great detail.
Case in point: The Tonoloway Primitive Baptist Church in southern Fulton County, Pennsylvania, is very close to the Mason-Dixon Line. As a result, the area saw a lot of action during the Civil War. General “Stonewall” Jackson’s Confederate troops threatened to cross the Potomac River at nearby Hancock, Maryland, in January 1862. The brick church became one of four locations in the area that were used for hospitals by the Union Army.

The removal of wallpaper in 2004 during restoration of the church’s interior by the Friends of Tonoloway Primitive Baptist Church revealed the signatures of many of the Union troops who were hospitalized there through early March of 1862.

In all, 50 signatures were discovered, some those of civilians, along with other graffiti. Twenty-seven of those signatures have been identified by Friends board member John Mentzer, whose two-year project to learn more about the people who signed Tonoloway’s walls came to a conclusion last month with the Friends’ publication of his 140-page book, “Tonoloway – If Its Walls Could Talk.”

You can read more about this book in the Fulton County News web site at

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