
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Annie Moore Memorial Purchases

I don't usually push a contribution site unless it's something dear to my heart [you'll note that I do ask for donations for the Leukemia and Lymphona Society, as my niece is a "Team-in-Training" member and runs in the marathons around the country to raise funds for the research that will one day stamp out these diseases]. However, as a genealogist, I could not pass this one by.

Due to the efforts of Megan Smolenyak Smolenyak and others, funds are being raised to give Annie Moore a proper memorial.

For those of you who aren't familiar with Annie, she was the first person who was processed through Ellis Island, on January 1, 1892. And now you can have your own "Annie Memorial", thanks to JMK GenealogyGifts [they have ALOT of cool genealogy stuff as well!].

Why don't you click right on over there now and take a look. Yours truly is wearing one of the Annie Moore t-shirts this morning, and I have to tell you, I love it! Every time I go out in it I am asked "Who is Annie Moore?" What a great opportunity to pass on a bit of genealogical history in telling the story of Annie Moore!

You can visit JMK Genealogy Gifts at:

[***Disclaimer: I have no vested interest in JMK Genealogy Gifts. I just think it's a cool site with cool stuff!!!}


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