
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Treasure Chest Thursday - William Was NOT What He Appeared

William McHarvey Bean [1832-1890] was not what he appeared to be!

In taking a look at his “Confederate” service records, one sees that the man served in southern West Virginia. At point he is said to have “deserted”, but is actually found as a prisoner of war in Elmira [NY] after having been captured at the battle of Fredericksburg.


Later, William is located as a Union soldier, without having ever taken an oath of allegiance. For years we have attempted to get copies of these military records, only to be told “they were sealed”, to “they don’t exist”.

Following the War, William was a US Marshall. This is documented not only in local newspaper articles, but as well as on his death certificate. He was murdered, and this fact was brought up in the trial for the accused, as well as Justice Department representatives at the trial.

Yet, only William’s Confederate records have been located.

William was simply not what he appeared to be. There was something much more, much deeper, to the man.

While we can’t say exactly what that is at present, we keep working to determine exactly who and what he was.

One thing’s for certain, he was my great-grandfather.

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