
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sharing Memories (Week 36) - Sadie Hawkins Dances

Lorine McGinnis Schulze offers us another encouraging way to share our memories this week through the prompt of Sadie Hawkins Dances over at Olive Tree Genealogy Blog. As always, what a great prompt!

During my teen years I was able to attend two Sadie Hawkins Dances. One in the 9th grade and one in my sophomore year, in the 10th grade. [After that, I was homeschooled.]

While I did not ask a boy to go with me to the dance either time I attended, I did ask boys to dance with me while there! And I loved it!

The boys were pretty much lined up against the gym wall, just waiting to be asked. And the girls would pick out who they wanted to dance with, then ask if they would dance. In the 9th grade I danced most of the evening with T. [I had such a crush on him!] We were never more than friends. And in the 10th grade, I think I danced with all of the boys! Every single dance I had a different partner! [Now THAT was fun!!!]

After I switched to homeschooling, I missed out on dances, proms and what have you. I think it was the school dances I missed most, however!

What about you? Did you ever attend Sadie Hawkins Dances?

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