
Saturday, September 22, 2012

52 Weeks of Abundant Genealogy - Week #39

Week #39 - Society Journal or Quarterly

Week 39: Society Journal or Quarterly. Share with us your favorite genealogy society journal or quarterly publication. How long have you been reading it? Which group publishes it? Why is this publication one of your favorites? How has is helped you research your family history?

Forscribed to several journals, but have fallen back to just the West Virginia Historical Society journal, which publishes quarterly. I have been reading this for about 10 years. All other publications read online.

This is my favorite printed journal as it actually covers history of the state where I do most of my research [personal research that is]. I love that it covers not just genealogy related items of interest, but focuses more on historical, and history is something I dearly love! So, I am constantly learning new and exciting things about my home state!

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