
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Sentimental Sunday - The Ladies of The House

When I was a child, my Dad was in the US Navy. One time we figured up that in my first 16 years, he had spent a total of about 24 months at home. He was away at sea most of my early years!

But when he was home, he was so loved! And we had so much fun together!

During the long months he was away at sea, Mama had to be both Mother and Father to my sister and I. [My two brothers didn’t come along until much later.]

So, for many years, we were “The Ladies of The House”.

This has always been a favorite photo of the three of us. Me, Mama and my sister, Eydie.

I especially love the clothes we are all wearing!

The beautifully crocheted dresses were made by my Grandma Dreher [Mama hadn’t learned to crochet yet]. And Mama had sewn the dress suit she is wearing.

And look! I had curly hair!!! [And it wasn’t white back then! Ha ha]

Don’t ya just love the little bow in Eydie’s hair?

And that gorgeous red lipstick Mama is wearing! Wasn’t she a stunning beauty? [She still is at almost 74!]

I can’t help but love looking at old photographs of us when we were kids, and Mama was so young! Why? Because love simply exudes from them.

And once I look at one, I am much like my Dad, I start walking down memory lane. One memory leads to another. And then to another. And on to another. And so on.

Don’t ya just love Sentimental Sunday’s?

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