
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

NGS Announces New Course

Arlington, VA, 17 July 2012: The National Genealogical Society proudly announces the release of its newest American Genealogy Studies course, Genetic Genealogy, The Basics, developed by Dr. Thomas H. Shawker.

Thomas H. Shawker, MD, is a physician with the National Institutes of Health, a nationally recognized lecturer on genetics, and chairman of the NGS Genetic Genealogy Committee. In 2004 he authored the NGS book, Unlocking Your Genetic History.

Now, Dr. Shawker shares his medical expertise in the six-lesson self-paced course Genetic Genealogy, the Basics. Topics covered in the course include
* the structure of the DNA molecule, how it is organized, how it replicates, and how it functions;
* human chromosomes and how the Y chromosome is inherited;
* the two types of DNA markers used in genetic genealogy;
* haplotypes and haplogroups;
* evaluation of a Y chromosome surname project and a discussion on how to evaluate the test results of the participants; and
* the structure of the mitochondrial DNA molecule, how it is inherited, and how it can be used in genealogy.

The course is designed for independent study. Students check their work with an answer key that immediately follows each self-test. Genetic Genealogy, The Basics is available on a PC- or MAC-compatible CD in a PDF format. The tuition is $45.00 for members and $70.00 for non-members. For further information, or to purchase the course, visit the NGS website at and click on the Educational Courses tab.

Please visit the course web page at for more information.

NGS American Genealogy Studies courses are designed for both beginners and established genealogists who want the convenience of completing their genealogical studies at their own pace in their own home.

Other available courses include:
• American Genealogy: Home Study Course
• Using Federal Population Census Schedules in Genealogical Research
• Introduction to Civil War Research
• Introduction to Religious Records
• Social Security Sleuthing
• Special Federal Census Schedules
• Transcribing, Extracting, and Abstracting Genealogical Records
• Working with Deeds

Founded in 1903, the National Genealogical Society is dedicated to genealogy education, high research standards, and the preservation of genealogical records. The Arlington, Virginia-based nonprofit is the premier national society for everyone, from the beginner to the most advanced family historian, seeking excellence in publications, educational offerings, research guidance, and opportunities to interact with other genealogists.
***The above announcement is taken from Upfront with NGS here.

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