
Monday, April 30, 2012

Amanuensis Monday - The Mockenhaupt's Are Married

Number 844486
State of Illinois
Cook County
Marriage License
To any Person Legally Authorized to Solemnize Marriage
Marriage may be Celebrated, in the County of Cook and State of Illinois
between Mr. Berth J. Mockenhaupt of Chicago, in the County of Cook and
State of Illinois, of the age of 38 years, and Miss Rosalie Banet
of Chicago, in the County of Cook and Stat of Illinois of the age of 28 years.
Witness, Robert M. Sweitzer, County Clerk of the County of Cook, and the Seal thereof
at my office in Chicago, the 10 day of Oct. A.D. 1919
(Robert Sweitzer-signature) County Clerk.
The Person who Solemnizes Marriage is cautioned against making any changes in this License.

State of Illinois
County Cook} I Rev. Wm. J. Mockenhaupt, a Catholic Priest
hereby certify that Mr. Berth Mockenhaupt and Miss Rosalie Banet
were united in Marriage by me at Chicago in the County of Cook and State of Illinois
on the 15th day of October, 1919.
Rev. W. J. Mockenhaupt
Address 1648 Grand Ave.


Rosalie Banet was a second cousin, 3x removed. Our common ancestor was my 4x great-grandparents, Ettiene Banet and Jeanne Claudine Guignard.

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