
Monday, January 9, 2012

Amaneunsis Monday - William's Death Certificate

County of Monroe
Name: Wm M Bean  Sex: Male  Color: White  Age: 58 yrs 1 mo  5 dys
Occupation: U.S.A. Marshall   Date of Death: May 15th 1890 P.M.  Married
Natonality & Place of Birth:American, Zenith, WV  How long resident in this state? All his life
Place of Death: Gap Mills, WV  Cause of Death: Pistol shot through brain
shock from which he died in 2-1/2 hours
Place of Burial: Waiteville, WV   Date of Burial: May 17th 1890
Name of Undertaker: McGleason  Residence of Undertaker: Union, WV
                             D.C. Pharr, M.D.
Date: May 26, 1890                                                           
                                              Residence: Gap Mills, WV

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