
Monday, January 30, 2012

Amaneunsis Monday - Richard Faudree Marries Mary Wickline

To the Clerk of the County Court of

Monroe - in the State of Virginia.

I HEREBY CERTIFY, That the following is a correct Statement of a
Marriage solemnized by me in the County aforesaid:

Date of Marriage, Octboer 28th 1856
Place of Marriage, At Elijah Wickline's Esq - Monroe Co. Va.
Full Names of Parties Married, Richard C. Faudree & Mary Margaret Wickline
Age of Husband, 23-years
Age of Wife,       25   "
Condition of Husband, (widowed or single,)  Single
Condition of Wife, (widowed or single,)          Ditto
Place of Husband's Birth,  Halifax, County Virginia,
Place of Wife's Birth,        Monroe      "           "
Place of Husband's Residence, Monroe Co., Va
Place of Wife's Residence,             "        "      "
Name of Husband's Parents, Lewis Faudree & Mahala Hall
Name of Wife's Parents, Elijah Wickline & Elizabeth Lewis
Occupation of Husband, Farmer

Given under my hand as a Minister of the Gospel -
(legally authorized to solemnize Marriages,) this 28th
day of October ~    A.D. 1856

                                                     Lorenzo D. Nixon

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