
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Treasure Chest Thursday - George Tennille Sr. Gets A Land Grant From Mexico

This is a copy of an 1844 map of the state of Texas, as it was known at that time.

This is significant to my husband's family, and thus mine, in that his ancestor's were among the first American's to settle in Texas, as part of the Austin Colony.

George Culver Tennille, Sr. received a Land Grant for property in 1830.

On 19 Mar 1830, George Tennille received a Land Grant from the Mexican government for 1 league in area, in San Felipe de Austin, State of Coahuila y Texas. The following is a transcription of the original land grant:
[Page 1]
For the years of 1826 and 1827. '28, '29, '20 and '31
Town of [San Felipe de] Austin
March 19, 1830.
The preceding petitio of George Tenell is admitted and the tract he requests is declared vacant and ordered surveyed by surveyor Horation Chriesman so that the corresponding title may be issued.
Honorable Commissioner of the Coast Reserve:
[I,] George Tennell [Tennille], a native of the United States of the North, [appear] before you with the greatest respect and say: That I have bee in this colony with my family and property four years on a tract in the coast reserve, which is why I have still not received legal possession [of it], eve though I have been admitted by the Honorable Empressario Austin under the contract he made with the Supreme Government of this State for the settlement of three hundred families in the coast reserve of this jurisdiction, for which reason I apply to you so that you may be pleased to grant me one league of land at the place where I hae settled so as to include my improvements, the tract where I have settled being located back of the league grated to Martin Varner, with the uderstanding that I offer to comply with the provisions of the law on this matter and to satisfy the fees associated with its acquisition.
Therefore, I ask and pray that you may be pleased to do as I have set forth, wherein I shall receive justice.
Town of [San Felipe de] Austin, March 12, 1830
[s] George Tennille
[Page 2]
Citizen Stephen F. Austin, Empressario to establish three hundred families within the ten littoral leagues of the coast of the Gulf of Mexico between the Lavaca and San Jacinto rivers and special commissioner of the Supreme Government of the State of Coahuila and Texas to distribute and give possession of land and issue titles to the new colonists within the limits of said enterprise:
Whereas, George Tennell [Tennille] has been received as a colonist in the aforementioned colonization enterpirse, as shown on page 28 of the record book, and the said George Tennell [Tennille] having proved that he is married and finding in him the requirisites of the State Colonization Law of Marcy 24, 1825, in accordance with the law, the contract, and the commission extended by the Government of the State on July 9, 1828, and accepted the 29th of that same month, and with the commissioners' instructions dated September 4, 1827, and in the name of the State, I grant, confer, and put the said George Tennell [Tennille]in real and personal possession of one league of land, which tract has been surveyed by serveyor Horatio Chriesman, previously appointed for this purpose, and it is the same tract that was granted to Israel Massey in July, 1824, who forfeited his rights on account of having abandoned the country as shown by the decree placed at the end of the register book by the commissioner, the empresario, and the alcalde under date of December 17, 1828, and its situation and boundaries are as follows: SItuated adjoining and wst of thetracts of Martin Varer and James B. Austin and also adjoining lands granted to Josiah H. Bell, Samuel M. Williams, and Jesse Thompson; and from the northeast corner of J. H. Bell's half-league a line was run west with the north boundary of said half-league to its northwest corner, and on the same course with the north boundary of the league grated to Williams to a landmark - this lie is 4,638 varas. Thence north with another boundary of this last league and one [the boundaries of] Thompson's league 5,440 varas to a landmark for the northwest corner. Thence east 4,561 varas to the west boundary of a tract of J.B. Austin to a landmark. Thence south with Austin's boundary to the southwest corner of his tract. Thence east to the northwest corner of the league of Martin Varner. And thence southwith the west boundary of Varner'stract to the place of beginning, and it comprises one league of land i area. Of the aforesaid tract 6 labors belongs to the class of arable land and nineteen labors are pasture lad, which serves as classification for the price he shall pay the State for it according to Article 22 of said law under the penalties therein established, he being notified that within one year he shall construct permanent landmarks [interlined] at each corner of the tract [end of interlining] and that he shall settle and cultivate it in conformity with the provisions of the law.
Therefore, exercising the authority vesting in me bu said contract and commission, by the law, and by the pursuant instructions, I issue the present instrument and order the testimonio taken from it and delivered to the iterested party in order that he may possess and enjoy the tract, he, his childre, heirs, and successors, or whoever from him or from them shall have caude or right. Given in the town of San Felipe de Austin this fifth day of the month of April, 1830, which I sign with assisting witnesses according to law. = Interlined - at each cornerof the tract = valid.
Esteva F. Austin
Assisting [witness] Assisting [witness]
Samuel M. WIlliams C.C. Givens
[Rubric] [Rubric]
The testimonio was delivered
April 5, 1830."
The above document is found in the Texas General Land Office, in Box 14, Folder 8.

Page one of the Mexican Land Grant to George Tennille Sr.

Page Two of the Mexican Land Grant to George Tennille Sr.

Page Three of the Mexican Land Grant to George Tennille Sr.

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