
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wordless Wednesday...Well, Almost!

This is the last photograph when Texican and all of his siblings and his mother were able to have a family reunion. It was taken in 1999.

Gone now are his Mother, Betty Louise ROTGE CUSTER and his next younger brother, Alan Ray HENRY.

Of course, all of the neices and nephews were there as well. Someplace I have a photo of the entire group gathered on the porch and in front of the house, but couldn't find it today.

Gone from that group, just this past week, on July 7th, were brother and sister [our neice and nephew] TJ [Terrence John] and Wendy KUBALA. Tragically the two were killed in a motorcycle accident. She was 26 and he 24. Both left behind 6 young children each.

Take the time to treasure your family each and every day! We never know when we will lose one of our loved ones!

These four mentioned here are lost to us now. Making those that remain, even more precious than ever!

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