
Monday, June 27, 2011

Amanuensis Monday - Letter From A Father

Unfortunately, this was transcribed without a copy being made of the original letter, which I had borrowed. [I think my scanner was on the blink at the time, and my old camera simply did not photograph it clear enough for recording.] This letter was written from my grandfather, John M. Bean, Sr. to his son, William [Bill]:

From John Bean to son Pvt W.M. Beane

Postmarked: Jun 15, 1937

                        Gates, WV

Return Address: John M. Bean

                           Waiteville, W.Va.

Addressed to: Pvt. W.M. Beane

                        Naval War College

                        Newport, R.I.

“Dear Billie

            We received your letter day or so ago was glad to hear from you.

            Yes we have wrote you 2 letters since your vacation don’t know why you haven’t got them

            We were sure disappointed at our boy not getting home

            Well Elner is coming home to stay this summer and we are glad of it.

            Marg was operated on for appendicitis last Monday 1 wk ago today Come out from under either O.K. haven’t heard from her since.

            We are getting on fine with work

            Got strawberries all about gathered had over 20 bu. It was a job to pick them

            Corn over the 2nd time and it is looking fine.

            Uncle Wills Paul & all were over Sunday they sure enjoyed strawberries

            They are all well they asked so much about you.

            Saw Codine at Waiteville the other day She isn’t married She is going to Charleston to business school this summer She said the Lewis boy is still going with her.

            Ralph McCormick has T.B. and is in Beckly Sanitorium Uncle Jacks are awfully torn up over him.

            Billie write home often & I will have Elner to write you what is news from old Waiteville

            Will close

            Mary joins me in love to my dear boy

                                                Your father

                                                     John M Bean”

****NOTE: Transcribed from originals – cbh****

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