
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun.. It's Find-A-Grave Time!

Another great assignment from Randy Seaver, over at GeneaMusings:

"Hey genea-searchers, it's SATURDAY NIGHT ... time for more GENEALOGY FUN!!!

Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to:

1) Go to the Find-a-Grave website ( and search for ancestors that you don't know the burial location of. How far back in time did you have to go to find this person? Hint #1 - use your ancestor list to help you. Hint #2 - don't forget to use the last surname for females!

2) If you think that Find-a-Grave will not have your persons of interest, then check another burial index that might help you.

3) Tell us about your search - who did you look for, and who was the first ancestor that you found that you did not have a burial location for previously? Write your own blog post, or make a comment on this post.

Another excellent assignment from Randy! And I really loved this one!

I have long searched for the burial site of my great-great-grandparents, Etiene Banet and his wife Francoise Bidaine Banet. This couple were born and raised in France, and moved to this country when they were middle-aged. It had long been assumed that they were buried at St. Mary of the Knobs located in Floyds Knobs, Floyd County, Indiana. But we never knew for sure.

I found them both immediately, and while there were no pictures of the tombstones, there was a transcription for each of their stones. And they are inscribed in French!

Etienne [Stephen] Banet was born 17 Jan 1795 in Doubs, France. His stone reads:
"Banet Ici repose le corps de Jetienne BANET nee a Arcey cantons de Lisle dt du Douhs, FRANCE ne le 17 Ferrier 1795 decede le 18 Apr 1871 dpouse de Francois BIDAINE agede 76 ans"
Find A Grave Memorial# 59370171

Francoise Bidaine Banet was born 18 Apr 1802, also in Doubs, France. Her tombstone inscription reads as below:
"Bidaine Ici repose corpse de Francois BIDAINE ne a Arcey Canton de Sisle dt. Du Doubs, FRANCE ne le 18 Avril 1802 decede 16 Mars 1877 epouse d. Etionne BANET aged de 75"
Find A Grave Memorial# 59370219

And, just as suspected, the couple were layed to rest at St. Mary of the Knobs Church, Floyds Knobs, Floyd County, Indiana.

St. Mary of the Knobs

Etienne and Francoise were married 01 Oct 1821 in Doubs, France.

They had 12 known children:
Paul Louis    [1822-1869]
Francois    [b.1823]
Francois Emanuel    [1825-1828]
Joseph Alexandre    [1830-1886]
Josephine    [1830-1914]   ***Note: Joseph Alexandre and Josephine were twins]
Isadore    [1832-1901]   ****Isadore was my great-great-grandfather.
Ferre'ol    [1835-1836]  ***Ferre'ol was the last child born before sailing from France. He died at   Floyds Knobs.
Aime Appollinare    [1837-1884]
Adele    [1839-1917]
Joseph Ettiene    [1840-1926]
Catherine    [b. 1842]
Adolph    [1844-1930]

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