
Monday, May 23, 2011

Amanuensis Monday - Nannie Bean Married Jack McCormick

Marriage License
West Virginia, County of Monroe, to wit:
To any person licensed to celebrate marriages:
You are hereby authorized to join together in the Holy State of Matrimony
according to the rites and ceremonies of your church or religious denomination and
the laws of the state of West Virginia:
Andrew J. McCormack, and
Nannie Beane
Given under my hand, as Clerk of the County Court of the County of Monroe,
this 14th day of Nov. 1893.
J.C. McClaugherty
Clerk County Court of Monroe County
Clerk's Certificate
Preliminary inquiries and answers thereto,made and ascertained by J.C.
McClaugherty Clerk of the Count Court of Monroe County, West Virginia,
relative to Mr. Andrew J. McCormack of Monroe
County and state of West Va. and Miss Nannie Beane
of Monroe County and State of West Va. to whom the
accompanying marriage license is issued.
The full names of the parties are as follows:
His full name is Andrew Jackson McCormack
Her full name is Nannie Beane
His age is 22 years Her age is 21 years
He was born in Craig County and State of Va.
She was born in Monroe County and State of West Va.
His residence is Monroe County and State of West Va.
Her residence is Monroe County and State of West Va.
The name of the party giving the foregoing information is F.P. Bradley
of Monroe County and State of West Va.
Given under my hand this 14th day of November 189_[sic]
J.C. McClaugherty, Clerk County Court
I F.P. Bradley, a minister of the gospel
do certify that, on the 15th day of November 1893, at the residence of
John M. Beanes [sic], I united in marriage the above-named and described parties under
authority of the foregoing License.
F.P. Bradley

*****NOTE: Nannie Beane was the youngest child of William McHarvey Bean and Margaret Smith Perkins. She was named Nancy Nalinda M. Bean and was born on 20 Jun 1872.
She had lost both of her parents by the time she married Andrew Jackson McCormack [Jack McCormick] in 1893, in the home of her brother, John.

Nannie and Jack went on to have 9 children together.

Nannie died 22 Dec 1945, Jack living until 1948. They are buried beside one another in the New Zion Union Church Cemetery, in Waiteville, Monroe Co., West Virginia.

Nannie's brother, John, was my grandfather.

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