
Saturday, February 5, 2011

My Review on Season 2 of "WDYTYA"... Vanessa Williams

Season 2 of Who Do You Think You Are aired last evening, with the ever beautiful Vanessa Williams searching for her ancestors.

Just as with all of Season 1's guests, I found this first showing for Season 2 exceptional!.

Vanessa learns things about her ancestry that she never knew. Her eyes were opened to the wondrous events that shaped and molded her ancestors, and ultimately herself!

I loved how she kept making the comment... "This is my father's story a hundred or more years before he was ever born!"

I know for most researchers, we've heard that statement, or one very similar, time and time again! As well as sat in awe at the new awe and amazement that comes upon someone who is learning something totally new about their family's history!

Well, Who Do You Think You Are got off to a slam bang start for this latest season! And I, for one, can't wait for the next episode to begin!

And while we're on the subject of genealogy programs... be sure to tune into the OWN network [the Oprah Winfrey Network - check your local cable channels] for February 14th's premiere of Searching For...

"Searching For..." is a docu-series following the real-life work of Pam Slaton, a Professional Investigative Genealogist, stay-at-home mom and New Jersey housewife.

Viewers are in for an intensely personal and emotional ride as cameras follow Pam and her clients through the step-by-step journey of "Searching For" a lost loved one. Each searcher's story is vastly different and the outcomes are highly unpredictable and emotionally charged.  Whether Pam's clients experience a joyous reunion, painful rejection, or tragic loss, they are all guaranteed to walk away with the closure they were desperately seeking.
[Read more on Discovery Press Web.] This promises to be another spectacular event!!!

Interesting to find a true genealogist like Pam Slaton, whose motto is "No Find No Pay!" Now that's dedication to the profession!

You can be sure that next Friday evening I'll be tuned in to NBC for the next episode in WDYTYA and on February 14th to OWN for Searching For...! I can't think of a better way to spend a cold winter's evening!!!

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