
Monday, February 21, 2011

Amanuensis Monday... Letter from Johnson's Island

Johnson's Island was located near Sandusky, Ohio and was used as a Confederate Officer POW prison during the Civil War. A few years ago I acquired this letter from a collector:

It reads as follows:

Johnson's Island, Sandusky, Ohio
May the 6th 1862
Dear Madam,

    Understanding that
that you are secretary of a
benevolent committee formed for
purpose of furnishing clothes to
the Confederate prisoners I
write to ask you to send me a couple
of overshirts, woollen if possible
also a suit of clothes
I am five feet, eight inches
If you can, conveniently do
so please to send me a pair of
boots, I wear sivens. If you will
have the kindness to attend to
this immediately, I will be
under eternal obligations to
you, Believe me Dear Madam
       Your much obligated and
          obedient servant
          John Elsathine Jr."

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