
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories: December 7 - Holiday Parties


Did your family throw a holiday party each year? Do you remember attending any holiday parties?

My parents didn't throw a Christmas party every year.

Growing up in a very strict southern Baptist home, alcohol was never allowed. However, Christmas parties were always planned by the church.

There was usually a Sunday School Class Christmas party, where wwe all got together with our fellow classmates. We played games. Had lively Christmas refreshments, and exchanged Christmas gifts!

And then there was usually a church dinner to celebrate the holidays, usually the last Sunday before Christmas.

There were, of course, Christmas parties at school. Usually each class held their own party the last day before the holiday break. Refreshments were served and we all exchanged gifts.

As an adult, and no longer affiliated with a particular denomination, I have held a couple of parties. And have attended a few as well. Provided no one gets a bit tipsy and out of control, I really enjoy them. Perhaps I should think about having one next year, since I haven't planned one for this year! Something to think on! LOL

What about you?

1 comment:

  1. I remember Sunday School Christmas parties too. We also had a special Christmas night for our Wednesday night prayer meetings and each child would be given a little box of Christmas candy. Oh, memories!
