Cyndi Beane Henry, a domestic history analyst since 1979, relies upon her skills in analysis and research to assister her in genealogical research and preservation. She utilizes the skills she obtained in earning her Associate of Arts degree in journalism at SUNY to bring about a consumer report that is much more than dates and vital statistics; she brings ancestors to life on paper.
Born in Indiana, raised in a Naval seaport in Virginia, she moved with her family to West Virginia as a teen, to the county where her ancestors first settled more than 200 years ago.
In college she became interested in genealogy and wrote several reports on her ancestors, based upon the previous research of Fannie Beane, the family historian, and the Clan MacBean.
In 1998 she married Johnnie Henry, a self-taught computer "guru", who introduced her to the world of personal computing. Since then she began receiving clients all across the United States.
She has combined her passion for genealogy with her journalistic talents to produce more than 40 published genealogical studies. Her first work of fiction brings about a marriage of story-telling and lessons in personal family history research for people of all ages and capabilities, and will be available by summer 2010.
An activist for telling and preserving family histories, Cyndi is a member of APG (Association of Professional Genealogists); Virginia Historical Society; Virginia Genealogical Society; and the Tri-State Historical and Genealogical Society. She writes seven blogs. And she reviews books on most genres, including genealogy, and reviews products for the genealogist, family historian and home library.
Cyndi currently resides in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia where she owns and operates Mountain Genealogists, a genealogy research and analysis firm with assistance of her husband, a part-time genealogist.
Cyndi is available for presentation and classes focusing on assistance in family history research to the general public and genealogical and historical societies. She is also available to review and write reviews of books for most genre's, as well as genealogical and home library related products.
You may reach Cyndi for consultation by email at