
Thursday, April 19, 2018

A Good Swift Kick In The...

A Good Swift Kick In The...

   Sometimes it takes being told that your job is ending to find your true calling. And sometimes, the true calling comes before the end of the job. That's what has happened to me.

    I have been working for the past 6 years in my original calling, nursing. It is a job that I love. Except for the bizarre, obnoxious, and demeaning paperwork (computer work?) that goes with it. I first worked with a nursing home. I love the elderly and couldn't imagine life without working with them. (I've worked in geriatrics for 30 years.) But the change has become so great over the years, that I found myself hating to go to work each day. And then, I hurt my back. There went my job. Or so I thought.

    Three years ago, I found a job with a contractor who worked with a huge health insurance company. I became a sub-contractor with them. I enjoyed being able to work on my own, visiting my clients in their home, and still performing as a nurse. The autonomy reminded me of what I enjoyed owning my own genealogy research firm. The paperwork (via computer again), was another matter. That work had to be done at home, as I live in a rural area, and no reception for cell phones or WiFi in most places. It had become a real pain in the tushy! I got to the point that when I got home I would sit in the car hating the fact that when I went in the door I had to head straight to the computer and chart!

    It seemed the only "dream" job I ever loved was working with genealogy research. My business, while never closed, after 12 years, has sat pretty dormant for the past 6 years. But it is back. Alive and prospering. I simply needed a good swift kick in the....pants to get it going again!

    As of May 13th genealogy is my main business.

    You know, we really need to remind ourselves of what our grandparents used to say...
"When God closes one door, He always opens another!"

    They were so right!

    Hope you are all having a fantastic Thursday!

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Who Am I?


DNA Helix Model

We are told our unique DNA is made up of RNA and consists of 46 pairs of chromosomes. 22 pairs of non-sex pairs and 2 pairs of sex determining. Females care two X chromosomes, while males carry both an X and a Y chromosome. It is the chromosomes contributed by your father that determined whether you were a boy or a girl when you were conceived.

When we decide to utilize our DNA to try to locate our family ancestors, it is these unique chromosomes, broken down even further into haplogroups, and many other sub-level groups, that determine the "markers" that are looked at to determine if one person is related to another or not. Much like we determine if one person is a parent of a child by a blood test, but with more accuracy.

In looking at our haplogroups we are able to best determine where our ancestors most probably came from.

Of course, none of these tests are 100% accurate, but they can be quite close!

In my own DNA study, we studied only the paternal line of family. It has the closest of the brick walls for us. We originally tested back in 2007. And we felt confident that a close relative would come about through testing, as our family is documented back to 1792 in America.

This has not been the case. Doing a paternal DNA study (known as a Y-DNA test, as only the paternal line carries the Y chromosome). We felt so certain. However, no results have matched us, in our over 10-year quest, except close 2nd or 3rd cousins, whom we already knew. (At least we knew the milkman wasn't involved with any maternal ancestors back to our known point! But I jest here.)

When a complete study has been performed for one of our known cousins, over 1,000 matches have been made.  But this is matching both Y-DNA and Mt-DNA (maternal).

We have had several matches with 12-markers and 24 markers. But these make the common ancestor back anywhere from 250-2000 years ago! No where near to where we can match up common ancestry.

It's the 67-marker golden ticket that we are searching for. I was so hoping we would find this match. But as each year passes, and we have no matches, I am becoming more and more frustrated. It is almost as if we were dropped here from an alien spacecraft, or something! (No, I am NOT serious, so please, no emails telling me we are NOT aliens!)

I am still holding out for that golden ticket! I am not so old that I can't continue to search daily in my in-box for a perfect match somewhere!  And someday, I just know it will come!

Monday, April 2, 2018



    Yes! You read that correctly! 

    One lucky winner will win a full genealogy package that will include 100 hours of research, with a professional research report, and copies of all documents, and photographs if any are located. They will also receive one book bound copy of all of the research written into a family history. The book will be autographed by the researcher who writes the text. This book alone is well worth over $200 in information. The total package is valued at $3,000 USD. (This is for American research only.)

    So, how do you enter to win this fantastic project?

    As a Reopening Incentive, we are offering 2 hours of genealogy research for $10. This 2 hours will be a concentrated research on any one you wish to find in your genealogy. It will include any documents located, or photographs if located. And a professionally written genealogy report.

    Why would we offer such a low price? (We usually charge $25 per hour for computer based research!) We want you to see what we can do. And we want your repeat business!!! We'd also like for you to pass our business name on to your family and friends who might be looking for family research! This is our way of letting you get to know us, and saying 'Howdy!'

    For each person who responds and orders the 2-hours of research, we will give them 1 free entry into the drawing. The drawing will be held open until June 1, 2018 at 11:59pm. An independent party will then take all of the entries and will do a random computer drawing for the winner. The winner will be notified within 7 days of the drawing with instructions on how to claim their prize.

    Want more than one entry? Simply order a second, or third 2-hour $10  package!

    Want to order the package?

    Simply email  us at: 

    Let us know that you would like to purchase the $10 two-hour research package. We will invoice you for payment through PayPal (we do not accept any other payment method at this time, and you can utilize PayPal without opening an account if you use your credit or debit card.) We will also send you a questionnaire requesting some information regarding what you'd like for us to accomplish for you. And once payment is made, and you return our questionnaire, research will begin. (Please be aware, if high volume is received, it may take up to 7 days to return you completed research, which will be sent to you via email.) We will make every effort to get your invoice and questionnaire sent to you within 48-hours of receipt of your request. Please understand that our business does require travel at times, and we may not be able to answer you immediately. Remember that patience is a virtue! (LOL)

    So come on! You may never again another chance at this kind of free research again! We may never repeat this offer again! So, I urge you to take advantage of this offer while you can!!!

    Please pass this on to all of your family and friends!





  Does the thought of attempting to do your own genealogy research cause you to break out in a cold sweat?

  Well it doesn't have to any longer!

  If you think working on your family history and genealogy means mounds of records and research like this... could! However, we have over 30 years experience in the fields of research and genealogy and we are here to help you!

  While we have taken a hiatus from working for a while, we are now back in full swing and we are here to serve you!

  Let us take on that mound of research and make sense of the jumble of information that you may have. We are here to grow your family tree!

  We will be offering full research for US based research only at this time. In the future we will begin to expand to other areas of the world as well.

  What, may you ask, is required to get started on your genealogical quest?

  Simply send us your name and email and we will be in touch with you within 48 hours to find out what options will best suit your request. We offer packages as low as $50. 

  As with all genealogical research, there is no guarantee that the information you are seeking will be found. We are searching paper trails for your ancestors. In rare cases there simply isn't one. So, please be aware of this before we even engage in planning! We will do our very best, however, to bring you a satisfactory find!

  We do require full payment up front on our smaller packages, and retainers on those that are larger. We will disclose all of our packages on request. Some of our larger packages include printed family trees in book form, enabling you to pass on the information we find to future generations.

  All documents, and/or photographs we discover during our search will be included in your unique package. This may include birth, death, marriage certificates and pictures of your ancestors!

  Simply email me at:

  And let's get started on your unique journey discovering your family's history!