Time for church again! Let's all head to the church in the woods! I've saved you a spot next to me on the pew! Let's all join in the singin'! Betcha know most of these old hymns and songs!
The Blog that explores the adventures and exploits of the Mountain Genealogist.
Sunday, September 24, 2017
Saturday, September 23, 2017
Secret Saturday
It isn't really a secret. But she's an ancestor of mine. Do you know who she is?
Let us see your guess! No prizes, just the honor of excelling in your history!
Friday, September 22, 2017
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Thursday Throwback
Yes, that's me playing the piano and my sister helping me sing Christmas carols. As I recall it was a great Christmas! Back when I could still sing, before the steroids robbed me of a singers voice. (I still sing, just not so purty!)
Do you play any musical instruments? What do you play?
Anyone still play a recorder? (Do you remember learning to play one in school?) Or how about a kazoo? I recently heard a recording of a man playing a kazoo, and it sounded so good! Not at all what I was expecting?
But for today, let me introduce you to THIS very amazing kazoo player. (If this offends you, I am sorry, I just find it absolutely hilarious, so if you are sensitive to someone playing the kazoo in a rather unorthodox manner, then you may want to forego watching the following., and that's okay. I'll understand.)
And before you ask, yes I do play the kazoo. Just not as talented as this lovely lady! Ha ha!
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Tuesday's Memorials
On January 1, 1953 country music legend, Hank Williams, Sr. died in Oak Hill, West Virginia. He was 29 years old.
The above highway sign is one that I pass every Friday as I go to Oak Hill to visit clients I have there. It is on this stretch of highway that Williams died.
There are many types of memorials for individuals who were both famous, infamous, or just ordinary people. Some are highways, bridges, buildings, and even organizations.
Are there any memorials near you? If so, what kinds are there? Are there any memorials for someone in your family? An ancestor?
We'd love to hear your responses!
Monday, September 18, 2017
Making the Best of It
Have you ever worked really hard at getting a family history written, only to have one single person put a stopping block in your way?
You know the one I'm talking about. That person who says, "I don't want you to put my parents names in your history!" (Or grandparents, or my branch of the tree, or some such thing.)
When you try to explain you are only writing the history, and won't put in any personal information other than birth, death and marriage dates, they become furious! They don't want any of their family information included!
So, how do you handle that kind of situation.
Of course, if the party is living, I will leave it out. I never publish private information on anyone who is living without their express consent. However, if the information is more than 75 years old, I go ahead with publication. It is all a matter of public record. I do try to be as discreet as possible for individuals who adamantly don't want their next generation listed. But sometimes, these are elderly individuals (those making the demands), and their parents have been gone many years.
It isn't possible to please every one all the time, although we all try to. To be certain that we don't break any laws, we do not use any conjectures, or theories. We only deal in cold, hard facts. No second hand stories from a third cousin 4 times removed, etc.
Be sure to check that you have citations for your facts. And use ONLY facts.
Making the best of a bad situation is about all we can do in the end.
However, if what you are compiling is a private family tree, for your eyes only, you can include whatever you want! Just make sure you document, document, document where you got your information from!
Have you ever had to face this kind of situation? What did you do? If you haven't faced this, what would you do?
Sunday, September 17, 2017
Sunday Sing Time!
Let's all head over to the church in the woods! I've got a spot in the pew next to me saved just for you! I hear there's gonna be some fine Sunday singing goin' on!
Come on in and set a spell, and let's lissen!
Come on in and set a spell, and let's lissen!
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
All Are Safe!
All of my Florida co-workers are now accounted for, and every one is safe! Most are already back at work! They are the well oiled machine that keeps this part of our business going. The ones who find the individual seniors, and disabled, who need help. All from Florida, while I work in West Virginia!
I thank You, Lord, for their safety, and Your Divine Interventions that kept them safe, and lowered the force of the hurricane at the last moment!
So, now we can get back to business, that of helping people. And we can begin to get back to our normal routines here. (Including our passions, one of which is this genealogy blog!)
Let me encourage you, that if you aren't able to go to Florida and Texas to help in the flood relief that is being done, to give generously if you can. And if you can't give financially, please pray for the recovery of these areas that were so devastated.
Anything that you can do is a blessing to those in need, your prayers especially.
Thank you to all of those Prayer Warriors who joined me over the weekend!
God Bless The USA!
Monday, September 11, 2017
Our Thoughts and Prayers Are With You
As I have so many wonderful co-workers who are in the thick of Hurricane Irma, I am unable to even begin to concentrate on genealogy at this time. (Rare occurrence I know!) My thoughts, and my prayers, can be no where except with these individuals who mean so much to me!
We've never met face to face, but we speak on the phone, and text daily.
Some, I have been able to reach, and they have evacuated and are in safe areas. Some made it north all the way to Ohio. But for the most part, they are in shelters in Florida, not leaving their posts until they absolutely had to, in dedication to caring for individuals who might need their calls. The seniors, and the disabled, who rely upon our insurance company sending in caring individuals when needed.
It is this latter group I have not been able to hear from. Calls, and texts, do not go through. But God hears our prayers, and I am trusting that He will keep them safe through this storm!
Until the storm is past, and my friends and colleagues are known safe, I will not be posting daily on this blog. Instead, any free moment will be spent in prayer, and in trying to reach them, to assure that they are all safe.
To Steve and Jim, wherever you are, be safe! May God keep you and yours in His caring hand, free from harm. To all of the CoCare Management office crew, I send the same message. God keep you and yours safe.
Let us know you are okay when you can!
Sunday, September 10, 2017
Saturday, September 9, 2017
Saturday's Satiated Song
As you have probably all noticed, I have filled this week full of songs! I have taken the week off to enjoy Labor Day Weekend, and to enjoy my own husband for a change!
Things are a changing!
This has had nothing to do with genealogy, except for those days when I've included historical songs. Just a lazy week!
Here's a special group of songs roly poly belly Saturday!
Things are a changing!
This has had nothing to do with genealogy, except for those days when I've included historical songs. Just a lazy week!
Here's a special group of songs roly poly belly Saturday!
Friday, September 8, 2017
Thursday, September 7, 2017
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Monday, September 4, 2017
Happy Labor Day Ya'all!
God Bless The USA!
Please listen to all of us as we give our support to our families in Texas!
Sunday, September 3, 2017
Sunday Singing - It's Time For Church Ya'all!
Come on in ya'all! I've saved you a seat right here in the pew beside me! Ready for some great singing?
Well, sit right back, and let's begin to Praise!
Friday, August 25, 2017
The History Detectives - Follow Friday
But how many of you know that they have a very interesting web site?
They have a whole section of their website dedicated to genealogy and how to perform genealogy research properly! And you can view it here.
There are checklists to assist you, pedigree forms, family tree charts, and videos to help you get started in your own quest for your family history!
It is an amazing website. And it changes from time to time, so you will want to check back every now and then, just to see what's new!
Just another reason to support your local PBS (Public Broadcasting System).
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Think First Thursday
So, you are doing the happy dance". You went onto one of the genealogy sites, and someone has a family tree up. Complete! And guess what? It's YOUR family tree! Yeah! The Happy Dance {{}}{{}}{{}}{{}}{{}}{{}}
So, you download the tree, and merge it immediately into your own tree. You are done! Yeah!!! Now you can start to share it with family all over the country! They are going to think you are some kind of genius for finding all of this information in one fell swoop!
But before you start sending it out, you start to look over it. And you think it looks alright. So, you copy it, and start emailing it out to everyone in the family. Now you're feeling pretty impressed with yourself. Right? Right?
And then great-aunt Suzy calls you. And she is laughing so hard and your big goof.
"Look deary, you've got great-grandpa born after his own death! And his mother born after he died!" (You aren't sure if you're angry now because of your gaff, or because great-aunt Suzy is laughing and giggling at you like a ten year old! She absolutely thinks it's hilarious! You're sure she's either going to fall from her chair and break a hip, or sit where she's at and pee her pants!)
Life is over as you know it! You are devastated! You merged that tree with yours and what can you do now?
First of all, laugh with great-aunt Suzy. It's a hard lesson learned. But it's not irreparable.
Simply go into your genealogy programs settings, and have it to restart at a date earlier than the date you merged the "found tree". Not a big deal.
But what it does do for you, is show you that people who simply copy other trees are not getting the real deal. That only comes with hard work. And it will come with sources, bibliography's, references, and citations. Remember that a family tree without sources is simply a fairy tale!
Double check your own entries when making them into your tree. It is so easy to get dates "bass-ackward". (I call it dyslexia. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!) It happens to the best of us by accident. But for a few, they enjoy throwing some chaos into the kettle! Yeah, there really are people like that out there!
So, take a few extra minutes to double check your facts when you enter them.
And always remember, never, never, never merge a tree with your own researched tree! More than likely. it will only cause you some major work ahead that you can avoid simply by not making that mistake in the first place!
As always, your comments are welcomed.
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Travel Tips Tuesday
Stuck at the airport, hoping for a standby, [they didn't dare get a hotel room for fear of losing a standby flight], they were forced to spend a very long time in O'Hare. Simply waiting. Now, for those of you who travel, you know that you never allow yourself to fall asleep in an airport, allowing yourself to be vulnerable to pickpockets and nefarious other creatures who lurk in such places. (Okay, silly, get the vampires and zombies out of your heads!)
Here are a few tips they could have used, especially since they were traveling in a group of three:
* Bringing along a small throw blanket/ lap robe, would have allowed some creature comfort while waiting, and could be rolled into a minuscule size within a tote bag; an inflatable pillow would also have been nice.
* They could have found a place where all three could sit together, and two could have napped while one kept watch. Reading or on the laptop, to pass the time.
* Snacks would have meant that purchases made in the airport could have been limited to drinks, sodas or water. At least for all except for one meal.
* A lightweight sweater would have kept them from the summer air-conditioning chill which happens when you sit still for long.
* A book, laptop, ebook reader, or tablet, would have provided diversion.
* Comfortable rubber soled slippers (those foam type, that look like shoes) would have helped with travel edema in the lower legs.
* Going ahead and planning for a possible layover, and including a motel/hotel room for one night in the budget would have saved 2 elderly relatives from sitting up in an airport for nearly a full day. Budget for a room on the return trip as well, just in case.
* Pack medications, at least for 24-48 hours, in portable containers for inclusion in your carry on. (I simply pack my medications for a full week in the medication box that you can purchase at any pharmacy fr a couple of dollars.) Make sure you carry a thermal bag for insulin if you are diabetic and your insulin requires refrigeration. Along with a small container to dispose your syringes in. (For travel I would recommend using pre-filled cartridge pen syringes to keep from having to carry the insulin and syringes.)
* Pack those little things that can really help: Tylenol or Advil, for headaches or aches and pains; antacid tablets; anti-diarrheal tablets; wet wipes for keeping germs at bay; a portable toothbrush and sample sized toothpaste; a small tube of denture adhesive if you wear dentures; a comb; nail clippers and an emery board. Lens wipes can keep eye glasses as well as your cell phone, tablet, laptop, ebook reader, etc., clean. They come pre-packaged, and are then discarded after use.
* Use a carry on that isn't difficult to carry! Small suitcases can sometimes be cumbersome. So I use either a large tote, and forgo the handbag, or a backpack and do the same. I put a handbag in my luggage for everyday. No need to have both a handbag and a carry on. Make it as simple as you possibly can! A small back pack can be placed on the back when you are claiming luggage, or can be thrown over a shoulder, whichever is most comfortable for you. And one bag is always easier to keep up with than two!
* Be sure to take an index card, or you can print this out, and have your full name, address, home phone, an emergency contact of someone who is NOT traveling with you, along with their name, address and phone, placed in your carry on. Make sure you include a list of your medical conditions, allergies, and medications you are taking. Laminate this card. If for some reason you should be unresponsive, medical, or police personnel, can get you the care you need sooner, rather than later. List your Medical Power of Attorney if you have one. Or who is listed on your Living Will.
* If you have a medical condition that can lead to a medical crisis, be sure to wear your medical alert bracelet or necklace at all times!
* Never put your bag out of your site, except on the plane when you will place it in the overhead bin. Men, always carry your wallet with you. But place it in a breast pocket, and NOT in your rear pants pocket. Ladies, consider wearing a waist wallet fitted under your blouse, or a bra wallet, that attached to the front straps of your brassiere. Carry a small amount of cash and coins in your pants pockets.
* Never set anything down and then go back to get it. If it's valuable, it will be gone. If it's food or drink, consider it contaminated, and toss it away!
I hope this has given you some ideas that might help you when traveling. Please feel free to list your tips below!
Monday, August 21, 2017
Making Memories - On a Dime
Ever wonder what you can do with all of your photograph and document files on a budget, and yet make them into a permanent print file that wouldn't cost you an arm and a leg?
Well, here is one solution that I have used.
Well, here is one solution that I have used.
I worked with Lulu.com on many different projects. They are a POD (print on demand) company, that offers both high end and economical prints. I did the above book, which is a compilation of photographs for our family (made a super nice gift for the reunion, and for holidays).
This book is 650 pages full of photographs of our family. Yeah, jam packed full!
It is a soft cover book.
Now, to have done this book in color print would have cost over $200 a book! (Unless it was purchased in a large quantity, and would still have been over $100 each!)
However, by using a soft-cover, going with standard paper pages, and using black and white print (rather than color photos), I was able to cut the cost down to only $16.40 a book at my cost.
See what I mean? High end style on a dime!
Family have been stunned to own a copy of this book! Photos many would never have otherwise seen, or known, are known made available to anyone who wants them.
Because the book contains photographs of both the dead and the living, I have made it accessible or by direct URL, so it isn't available to the public at large. And I was careful to ask permission to include all of the photographs that were used of the living. So, should you choose to do this, make sure you get permission first, to use photographs of living subjects!
I have used Lulu.com for printing of clients histories as well. (I've got over 300 private access family history's on Lulu.com right now.) Some have been retired, which means there have been more! But I find that depending upon the price the client is willing to pay, I can print cheaply, or I can spend a little more, and provide them with a quality printing that they are sure to enjoy for many years to come.
You can also use Lulu.com for smaller printing jobs. I have used them to print out pamphlets, or small booklets when speaking at the historical society. I've printed agenda's with just a few pages, and short history's on a location, in spiral bound (coil) books. You can even publish eBooks. And you can publish directly to online bookstores like Amazon.com from the printer as well.
So, go ahead and give them the chance to prove to you just how economical they be! And what a great job that they will do for you!
Sunday, August 20, 2017
It's Time for Church! - or Sunday Singing
Come on in! I've saved you a place next to me in the church pew.
Yes, looks like a beautiful Sunday, doesn't it?
Yes, we're lookin' forward to hearin' the special singin'.
Let's settle back. Oh, before it's warms up, here's you a paddle fan to keep cool.
Yes, looks like a beautiful Sunday, doesn't it?
Yes, we're lookin' forward to hearin' the special singin'.
Let's settle back. Oh, before it's warms up, here's you a paddle fan to keep cool.
Saturday, August 19, 2017
How to Organize Your Research - Or Scintillating Saturday
How to Organize Your Research
Scintillating Saturday
Okay, it's no big secret, but my new favorite way to keep track of ANYTHING is by using a Bullet Journal.
What, may you ask, is a Bullet Journal?
According to Google.com the definition for Bullet Journal is "The Bullet Journal is a customizable and
forgiving organization system. It can be your to-do list, sketchbook,
notebook, and diary, but most likely, it will be all of the above."
Yep, that about sums it up. It's a place where you can keep track of EVERYTHING . My personal Bullet Journal contains everything from my To-Do list, to my Client Appointments, to my Hydration Tracker, to my menu and shopping list. I even keep my checkbook register in it!
But the really neat thing, is that you can use it to keep track of ANYTHING, and that's where it comes in handy with genealogy research. Because my Bullet Journal keeps me on track with my latest research projects as well.
I break my new, blank, journal down into several sections. Some are just a few pages long. Some are a couple of hundred pages long (yeah, my latest journal, which I am in love with, holds over 600 pages!~ I'll fill you in on where to get one like it at the end of this post.) By breaking my journal down into sections, I can easily locate whatever list I am wanting to see at a moments notice.
The one thing that you will see, should you decide to use a Bullet Journal, is that it is an ever evolving process. Until you find what actually works best for you. Mine is still evolving, but I'm getting close to what is perfect for me!
I have seen journals that use tabs, yes, just like those you used to divide your school notebook with, or use to divide files with. I found those to be too bothersome, and they stuck out, causing me to always catch them on something in my handbag. (Yes, I carry my journal EVERYWHERE with me!) So, I found an example of one that color coded pages, using colored pencils to marks each page.
from Pinterest.com
You will note that each section is has a different color. You will then take and mark each page with a small square of that color, directly below the key page here. So that when viewed from the side as you thumb through the pages, you will easily locate the pages that match that color. As an alternative, I have seen some that use Post It Sticky Tabs. My problem with those is that they tend to come loose eventually, and have to be replaced frequently if your journal is a large one that lasts awhile.On my genealogy list I keep two lists: Working On, and To-Do. My Working On list contains the names of ancestors I am working on, so that should I come across some bit of information, I will readily know that this is someone I should jot down the information on. (Of course, under this section I leave extra pages in case I find this new information while I am out and about!) On my To-Do list are things that I am constantly doing: such as writing my family newsletter; sending out emails with announcements; writing this blog; etc. These are things that I am always working on.
As I said, I keep my journal with me at all times. You don't have to. It can be something that you use only when you are at home, or at your desk. I use mne more as a life organizer. It helps keep me focused, and I find I get more work done when I have a list to check off, thus the great thing about the Bullet Journal. As I complete each task, I simply check off the box, and I know it is complete.
As I mentioned in a previous post, I also use mine for my Bible Study, and for my personal diary. Just some food for thought!
Now, can you imagine what it would mean to you to come across such a thing from one of your ancestors as a Bullet Journal? (First of all, I'd think they were a pretty organized person! LOL) But the greatest thing of all, is the intimate look you would have of your ancestor's daily life! Not just their To-Do list, but their diary, their budget, their diet, their thoughts on philosophy and religion, and on and on.
When I keep this journal, I am able to locate my latest research at a simple glance. And i carry it with me everywhere I go, so no matter where I am at, I can reference it. Yes, it is a low tech work tool. And I know I could do the same thing with my tablet, or even my iPhone! But I also doodle, and draw pictures in it. I add photographs. And ticket stubs. Receipts. Funeral programs. Wedding invitations. Newspaper clippings. These are things that when kept separate, just don't make a lot of sense later down the line. But when placed in my journal, will coincide with that day's notations. Not only will I know what the item was from, so will anyone who may years from now look at it.
So, maybe you'd like to give it a shot?
Here's my latest journal:
I love it because it's 5"x8", and has LOTS of pages! It is leather, so it will be around for a LONG time to come. The pages are gilt edged, so they really look nice. And there are two ribbon bookmarks, which make it alot easier to get to those well used pages, like my regular To-Do lists. The pages are unlined, so I am free to draw and doodle around my entries as much as I want without lines getting in the way. And the pages don't bleed when I use colored markers or fountain pens. (I have a passion for fine writing instruments, and fountain pens are a lost art tool these days!) This is available for $11.99 on Amazon.com.
In the past, I have used leatherette journals from Walmart, which are at a comparable cost. I have used soft cover art journals. Again, at a comparable cost. And I have even used....
...a composition notebook on more than several occasions. These are excellent for when you are on a tight budget. I have purchased these by the case. Right now you'll find them on sale at most local Walmart's, Sam's Clubs, and Costco's for only 50-cents each. Yes, 50-cents. These are a little larger than I normally like, but if you aren't sure if you would use a Bullet Journal and want something to try out, this is the way to get started!
Take a look on Pinterest.com for Bullet Journal ideas. And you'll even find some free templates if you want to print out some journals instead of trying to come up with your own.
This is what keeps my whole world organized. Not just my day-to-day life, but my business, my research, my job, everything. EVERYTHING.
Who, knows, if you give it a try, it just might work for you as well!
Let me know what you think!
Friday, August 18, 2017
How To Make Your Final Plans - Or Friday's Final Fantasy Finishes
How To Make Your Final Plans
Friday's Final Fantasy Finishes
Most of us at least consider leaving a Will behind when we die, simply because we want someone we care about to get what we own now. (Or, if you can't take it with you, make sure someone gets all your junk!)
Earlier this week, I came across a a fun page (okay, it's on Crave Online so you know it's crazy!), and it tells about some pretty insane things people have put in their Last Will and Testament.
Being the me that I am, I simply had to find a way to share it with all of you! So, consider it a Friday Funnies, as the title says, Friday's Final Fantasy Finishes.
Please click the link here to be taken to this hilarious look at these Last Wills and Testaments.
Enjoy! (It's okay, really! Go ahead and laugh out loud! Laughing is good for you!)
Thursday, August 17, 2017
What Did They Drink? - or Thirsty Thursday
What Did They Drink?
Thirsty Thursday
It may seem like a pretty innocuous question, but just what did our ancestors drink? I mean, coffee wasn't around until 1668 in America, and was considered for the wealthy only! The cost to have it shipped to America was astronomical! Tea was the same! Both were so expensive that they were often kept in locked chests to prevent thieves from absconding with it!
Whiskey was a "man's" drink, and ladies seldom partook. Although the lighter refreshments of wine were sometimes imbibed by the fair sex.
Citrus fruit and sugar were not common in those early days. And when they did arrive, again they were considered very expensive, and the common people did not have access to this. At least not in quantities to squander for simple drinks! Not until about the mid 1800's was the use of sugar more common.
There was, of course, milk, when one had a cow. But between large households, children and baking often took up most of the milk.
Wells were dug by hand. Men literally lowered into the holes as they were dug, and earth brought up bucket, by laboring bucket, until the well began to get damp. At this point, stones were sometimes used to line the walls of the well and allow for some clearer water to filter, but the tops were often left open. This meant a breeding ground for insects during the summer months. And the occasional rodent, or other creature that might wander too close to the edge met its untimely death by falling into the watery shaft. The water was often muddy during the rainy seasons of spring and summer. Bringing a pitcher of brown colored water to the table for a meal was not unheard of.
And yet, water was, and still is, the number one drink around the globe today.
Our ancestors, especially those who first came to America's shores, often built a privy (outhouse) right beside a well. This was for convenience. However, they did not understand sanitation, and typhus and cholera epidemics often occurred during those early years.
Many of the early settlers soon realized that the Native Indians to the country seldom suffered any of the maladies that they (non-Natives) did. And upon further investigation, some came to realize that the Indian thought of the water as alive. And it was this "alive water" that they would drink. What was the difference between "alive water" and "bad water"? Alive water was water that flowed. It tumbled over stones and moved continuously, thus filtering itself. Not like the man made wells that simply filled up with water and sat there waiting to be muddied up,or have animals fall into it.
Although it is not seen so much today, as late as the latter part of the 1960's, it was not uncommon to find a pitcher of water set upon the dinner table, and everyone's glass filled with chilled water, rather than other drinks.
It is still considered the norm when going to a better restaurant to have a glass of water brought to the table prior to beginning the meal.
And there really is nothing as refreshing as a cool glass of water on a hot day! It refreshes you, and quenches your thirst. It hydrates your body. And keeps your body functions within a normal parameter.
So, the next time you uncap that bottle of refreshing spring water, take a sip and remind yourself that you could be drinking water from a source one of your ancestors also drank from! And that you are enjoying one of the world's healthiest, and oldest drinks known to mankind.
Cheers my friends!
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
How to Get Genealogy Clients - Or What's Up Wednesday
How to Get Genealogy Clients
Or What's Up Wednesday
So you finally did it! You graduated with that certificate in genealogy from an accredited school, and now you're ready to hang out your shingle!
First of all, congratulations! It wasn't easy getting to your goal. It took hard work, and determination! And guess what? It will take those same attributes to get to a profitable business!
There's no two ways about it. You will have to dedicate yourself. Put in the hard work to get the clients. And you will have to be determined to always present your clients with the best work you can possibly do for them.
So, you've set up a home office. You spent a few hundred dollars on a nice desk. You have a comfortable chair. A good computer and printer. The best internet set up you could find. Even a guest chair sitting across from your desk, so you can face clients who will come to your home. You've added bookcases, and all of your study books, as well as research books that you've purchased along the way, are lining those shelves. You probably even have binders filled with your portfolio of research, findings, and written family histories. (Yes, I've been there too!)
Maybe you've added a Genealogy themed poster or two; a mouse pad with a cute genealogy print on it; curtains at the window that reflect antiquities; a globe sits atop the bookcase. A nice oriental rug (it's a knock off, but only an expert will know that) sits in front of the desk.
With cell phone in hand, you sit down behind the desk, and you are lacking only thing.
So, how do you get those first clients? How long does it take to start seeing real money coming in?
First, remember to be humble. You are, after all, just starting out. And you are providing a service for your clients. So, starting out might be slow! That means, unless you have a spouse who can carry the financial burden for a while, you may have to work at another job as you build your business!
Next, let's get the word out.
Here's what I've always done to grab some quick clients for just a few dollars of income. And although you don't make anything, really, the word of mouth starts rolling around and pretty soon you can start rolling in the higher paying clients! I go onto auction sites, like eBay and I make an offer to do some fast, cheap research. Say 2 hours for $10. Yes, I know. No money made there, right?
Wrong. What you will get will be something you can't afford to buy!
See when you offer an introductory offer of something as innocuous as 2 hours of research for $10, and you actually find SOMETHING for a client, they are usually so grateful, that they will come back for more!
Yes, you heard that! MORE! And get this, it only costs you about $1 for that listing you made. (Watch for free listings events on eBay to do this, that way you only pay if the ad sells!) You use up about 2 hours of your time. Reports are sent to your client of your findings electronically. So, you've spent about 2 hours of time, and cleared $9. Okay, so you don't want to live on that, but it gets you a client. And that client will tell another, and that one another, and so on. (Be sure to ask for something specific the client is looking for. And let them know that with that offer, you will only be using electronic databases that you have subscriptions or access to. )
So, you begin to get a small following of individuals on eBay, or CraigsList, or whatever electronic medium you choose to use.
Now, let's start making an online presence for yourself.
The fastest, and easiest presence you can make known is a blog. Yes, I know, you don't think you can write a lick. But you can! Just write like you talk! Basic grammar makes it easy for you, and your readers love it. (Don't use a lot of fancy, schmancy, long words that the average high school student couldn't understand. Yes. I am serious. Use plain, common English.) Don't use slang. Don't use derogatory remarks. Just write from the heart. (And you can download a program called Grammarly that not only checks for spelling and grammar, but will check for accidental plaigerism as well. Best of all, is it's free!)
You can start blogs for free at either Blogspot.com or Wordpress.com. Both are free. And you can purchase your own domain from GoDaddy.com for just a few dollars a year.
Let's start sharing a bit of your knowledge.
What? How can you make money if you give all the secrets away, you ask? Clients want to know that you are knowledgeable, and that at some point they can take charge of the situation. So, do what any one would do. Teach them how to do what you do! Yes. Keep some secrets for yourself. Sure. But give them the basics.
Once you start a blog, then start promoting the heck out of it! How? Be sure to post your blog entries on social media sights like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, and anyplace else you can possibly think of! Open a Facebook and Pinterest business account, and make sure you are getting every post out there, several times a day!
Next, blog every single day! Yes, religiously. You can actually write up all of your blog posts for a week, or a month, or even longer!, and then schedule them to post automatically. You can even schedule those posts to be featured on social media accounts without having to manually do that with great apps like Tailwind (it's got a free trial that's really free!) and others.
Make sure you have added a Contact form (Kontactr has a free form you can insert into your blog, and it won't cost you a thing!) to your blog so that visitors can contact you!
Join genealogical societies (yes, there are fees, but you're going to have to spend money to make it. It's just the law of starting up a new business. And society fees are tax deductible to your business.) Get yourself an APG (Association of Professional Genealogists) membership. The cost is minimal if you list everything you specialize in on your personal information! People really do peruse the sight for genealogists to perform searches for!
Network on professional sites like LinkedIn. I've worked with some European genealogists who were looking for inexpensive assistance in research here in the States, and with running to get hard copies of documents for genealogists who couldn't make it to my home state.
Volunteer to do research for online sites such as Ancestry or FindAGrave. Take your camera and start documenting cemeteries. Then get them entered into cemetery databases, like FindAGrave. I've had more than a few clients come from seeing my name there!
And lastly, get out there to local events: historical society meetings, genealogical society meetings. Let yourself be heard and seen. Pass out business cards. And let it be known that you are willing to do speaking engagements, just to get your face out there and be seen! I've landed many clients in the meet and greets following a meeting.
There are so many other ways you can also incorporate if you want. But this is how to get immediate clients. With these methods, you will actually start seeing a few clients right away. Don't look for big money to suddenly start coming in. Ask anyone who has been a genealogist for long, and they will tell you they make an average income. Sorry, but if you're looking for a big income, or becoming famous, you'll probably do better in another profession.
However, if you are looking for your passion, the thing that drives you, the thing that you dream about, and researching family histories and family trees does that for you, then you have found your niche!
The main thing is to keep at it. Keep putting your name and your talents out there. Even if you do it at a loss for a while. Eventually you will begin to have an income that you can support yourself on. Or at least support your own research habit! And from experience, let me tell you, that is just as satisfying!
As always, your comments are welcomed.
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Where to Turn to For More Clues? - Or Tuesday's Tips
Where to Turn to For More Clues?
So, you have exhausted Google, you've poured through Ancestry.com, Genealogy Bank, and FamilySearch. You've looked through the state archives. You checked every online index you could find!
Let's face it. You've simply run out of options. That bit of information you're searching for, say, great-grandma's birthday, is simply not there. And now you'll never know what date it was! You feel like a failure! You feel like your research is incomplete without the info!
Okay. Sit down. Let's get a cup of nice Earl Grey (my personal favorite), and a couple of biscuits (no not American biscuits dearie, but a couple of sweet tea cookies) and let's strategize.
Get a pad and a pen, cause we might need to make a list.
I'll pour the tea. You write. One lump or two? In your tea, silly! Lemon? Well, of course you want some lemon, it is Earl Grey after all. And do be careful! That's my great-grandmother's tea service you're drinking from! The silver? They were a hand-me-down set of tea spoons from great-aunt Vida. You can see they're really sugar spoons, but since there are so many, they make lovely additions to the tea service, don't you think?
Yes, yes. I digress!
Got the pad and pen ready?
Well, let's start with where great-grandmother was born. Charleston, West Virginia, you say? Well, let's write that down. And her tombstone just lists the year she was born? Well, let's put that down. 1879.
Now, do we have a full death date? No? Just the year again. 1938. But you know she married great-grandfather, and what was his last name? Smith. Okay, write that down. You know her maiden name? Jones. So let's write that down.
So, we have Jane Jones born in 1879 in Charleston, West Virginia. She married John Smith. But that's all we know. Not the date of their marriage? Of course. But we know she died in 1938 as Jane Smith? Correct?
Well, I think that will get us started! So, grab your hat, sweetie. We're headed to the Kanawha County Courthouse.
Well, we're going to do some searching! We're going to see if we can find out more information on your great-grandmother! What do you mean you didn't know you could look at the courthouse for information?
Well, let's get in the car and I'll explain on the way.
Well, of course, I'm driving! Sweetie, just because there's snow on the roof does not mean I can't drive! I am a very careful driver, and besides, I know where the courthouse is! Do you?
Careful closing the door, dearie. And don't forget to buckle up for heaven's sake!
Thank you. Yes, it is a nice car. But let's get back to what we were discussing.
Yes, your great-grandmother. You see, not all of the records that are available for research can be found on the internet! You young people are so used to having this world of information right on your smart phones and tablets and gadgets, that when you can't find something, you forget some of us didn't have those gadgets when we were younger, and we did this genealogy search without the infamous internet!
How? Leg work and hours spent in musty libraries and dusty courthouse rooms!
Okay, we're here!
Kanawha County, West Virginia Courthouse
I know you don't see the courthouse from here. It's around the corner. Why? Because it's on a one-way street, and it's simply easier to park over here and walk back around than to ... oh just grab your pad and come on! Oh, and grab that tote bag in the back seat for me.
What? No it's not my purse! I have my purse. That's my research bag!
What's in it? Oh, you'll see!
Here we are! County Clerk's Office.
Hello there! We would like to take a look at some vital statistics. We are looking for a particular name born in 1879 and died in 1938.
Why thank you, we'd be happy to follow you!
Come along now dear, and don't dawdle! This nice lady doesn't have all day to wait on us!
Yes, we'll wait here at the table.
Well, if you must know, she has gone to get the birth register for the year 1879, and the death register for the year 1938. Here she comes.
Gloves? I have my own here in my tote bag, but she will need a pair!
Do put them on sweetie! It's to protect the old registers from oils from your hands! The paper is quite fragile you know.
Miss? Can I take a photo of the documents with my cell phone? Or are we required to make copies? Just no flash? Not a problem! Thank you so much for all of your help.
Sit down, sweetie! Let's get this going.
Now, this particular register is in two parts. Come now, do sit down! You look as though you've never been in a climate controlled room before! No? Well, the temperature and humidity are kept at a steady place to prevent breakdown of the precious papers that are stored in these rooms. The gloves you wear will further protect the paper and ink. And by my not using a flash with my camera, we will further protect pages from exposure to UV light that can harm the paper as well.
Really? Well, perhaps you should think about such things! If not you, then who? These are precious documents and archives that could be lost forever if not preserved properly!
Okay, so we have an index in the back of the register, which was added later by the county. It contains everyone in the front of the register, in alphabetical order. So, we'll start in the back of the book under the "J's" for Jones.
Yes, yes, I know. The pages aren't easily turned when wearing these gloves. You'll notice the rubber finger tip there in my accessories bag. If you will hand me one please. What? Oh, it will allow me to grab a page and turn it without doing any harm to the paper.
Here we are, at the "J's". Let's go down to Jones, and yes, here we are. And look here! Jones, Jane. page 101. I think we've found her! You write, while I take a photograph.
Jones, Jane; date of birth April 1, 1879 to Marcus Jones and Dorothea Miller. Look sweetie! That's your great-great-grandparents!
What? No, that doesn't mean her parents weren't married! Her mother is listed by her maiden name! Now you'll know what name to look for when you begin researching that branch of your ancestry!
So, now that we have a copy of the register entry, and you've written the information, let's leave this book open to the page for the registrar.
Now, we'll do the same thing for the death register. Only this time we know she died in 1938 and her married last name was Smith. So, we'll come back here to the index....
Yes, yes! That's what I've been trying to tell you! It's so exciting!
And here are the "S's". So we'll scroll down to the Smith's. Okay, there's a lot of Smith's! But we're looking for Jane. So, here are the J's. So, whoever did this index, simply listed everyone by their first initial and last name, and there are four Smith, J.'s.
How do we figure out which one is correct? Well, we could simply go through and look each one up. Or we could begin elimination right here! Look at this spot, each listed as Male or Female. And three of the four are Male's. So by process of elimination, we know that this must be your great-grandmother! She is found on page 2!
Look, here she is!
January 21, 1938. Oh, and bless her heart, it looks like she died from influenza.
What dear? Yes, we don't hear of a lot of death's due to the flu any more. But antibiotics and even better sanitation and hand washing have made it a lot easier to get over it these days.
So, I'll photograph the entry, and you take the notes as before.
There, now we have it.
No, don't close the books! We'll ask the clerk to make us certificates of these two! Well, yes, of course we can get regular birth and death certificates from them!
Miss! Miss! Yes, we'd like to get certificates for these two entries please!
Yes, cash of course.
What sweetie? No cash on you? That's okay. Look in my tote bag there. You'll find a change purse with some cash and change. I'm sure there's enough for these two certificates.
Now, certificates in hand, we've made a giant step forward in your family tree research today, don't you agree?
Well, darn! Would you look at that. The parking meter is just about out. Hopefully we can pull away before it runs out!
No, I'm driving. You just sit over there and admire those two pieces of paper!
What? Yes, this is what you do when you can't figure out where to look next! And yes, it is just as much fun in person as it is clicking on those computer keys! So glad this white haired old lady could help you out, and teach you a thing or two after all!
And for heaven's sake! Do buckle up!
Monday, August 14, 2017
What to do When The Party's Over - or Monday Madness
What To Do When The Party's Over
Monday Madness
This past Saturday we held our family reunion. It was wonderful! Well, at least Saturday was wonderful.
It was hosted at my sister's house for the first time. And everyone had a great time. We don't do much. Have a fantastic meal. Dessert. And visit. At some point one of us draws numbers and passes out a few door prizes. Everyone signs an attendee book. We take a few photographs. And then we all promise to see one another again in two years.
Sadly, because of a couple of people who were not only rude, vulgar and ugly, any further reunions have been cancelled. I said all the right things: "Well, of course I understand!" and "Of course, we shouldn't allow someone to behave like that!" and "Yes, our seniors don't need to be exposed to those kinds of behavior!"
But, once I got home, I cried like a baby! I really did. This heart-hardened old nurse simply was broken-hearted. And I suppose I always will be.
As a genealogist, I think we all look forward to family reunions and the time we get to spend together.
Time when we will be able to not only reconnect with those who we have always seen there, but time to connect with new family members and those lost long connections we've never met! (Such as I got to with these "new", old, cousins this Saturday! Descended from my gr-gr-grandfather, they fall from a line of his children that was a brother to my gr-grandfather. And had no idea what our family history was! I had a blast telling them what I could in such a short time! Showing them what I could. Hoping to fill in the gaps that they never knew how to fill! It was absolutely wonderful for me!
And so, my heart is broken over not being able to show them the many things there wasn't time for! And now, never knowing if I ever can!
So, after praying and soul searching, I have decided to do what I can to keep this family legacy alive. In the only way I know how.
Renewed vigor in my research. Writing more of our history. Especially on the initial 12 children of those shared distant grandparents we come from. And in keeping the family newsletter alive and going. (I write it monthly, and it goes out to over 200 individuals!)
And meeting, when I can, with those who would like to meet with me. Keeping family, and traditions alive as best I can.
I'm not yet a senior citizen, and so I hope I have a few more years that I can continue doing this, that I love so. Sharing the history and legacy of our family.
The motto of each of us that does this for the sheer love of it, is, and should always be, "Never Give Up". For without us, the history may be lost forever! Without us, who will tell the stories and legacies that have been shared with us? Who will fan the spark,and keep the flame alive for those who follow behind us!
Let us work with renewed spirit on writing those family histories down.
Let us keep families together in whatever way we can: whether that be with family reunions, newsletters, or sharing the research we have done.
Plan on whom you will relegate to receive your family research when you are one day gone. Will it be to a younger family member who has shown intense interest in your research? Your local historical society? Or your local genealogical society?
So, should the party come to an end, as it seems it has for my family, then please, keep those memories alive! And "Never Give Up!"
I know, I never will.
As always, your comments are always welcome.