Monday, November 30, 2009
Advent of Christmas Memories Announced
And so, this year, I join the circle of GeneaBloggers who will be remembering Christmas' past for the 24 days of Advent.
I encourage you to read check back daily over the next 24 days, and read what I remember. Then skip on over to GeneaBloggers and take a look at what my colleagues are writing as well!
Tis the Season!
And Jesus is the Reason for the Season!!!
Madness Monday - November 30, 2009
We have provided proof of the existence of said William McBean, and his marriage to one Sarah Bane [whose own father was actually born with the surname Bean, and had changed his spelling to that of Bane], thus merging two lines of "Bean's" into one.
This couple did in fact reside in the area known as Stoney Creek, that little vale between steep mountain walls leading from Waiteville in what is present day West Virginia to Pembroke in Giles County, Virginia. [That passage is the only way out of Waiteville without crossing a steep mountain.]
From whence came old William McBean?
We know where he was when he married Miss Sarah Bane. But before that....from whence cameth he?
Family legend states that he served with Lord Cornwallis during the American Revolution. Alas, that is equivalent to my saying that my grandfather served under General Patton in World War II! It is a very broad statement that means very little except that the man was either a Loyalist or a soldier brought from the Continent to serve.
However, DNA testing may have reduced the questioning a bit. [Just a bit mind you!] DNA tests have linked us to a village in Ireland, along with about 20 other Irish descendants, whose DNA matches 12 markers of our own exactly. Of these 20 other individuals, their ancestors were conscripted during the American Revolution, and brought to the country [I say conscripted, however the Irish were more or less shanghaied!]
While we cannot find where our genealogy merges with these other individuals, they all have the Ireland's tiny hamlet in common. My theory is that our William was one of the men who was conscripted, brought to this country to serve with British during the War, and remained afterward.
Alas, yon William's trail is cold, and he did not leave much of a paper trail for our seaarch!
We know of at least 2 sons, although family legend names another: William, John and Roy [Roy being part of the family legend]. We know the following facts: in February of 1804, John, the eldest, was placed for indenture in the county, being 14. In September of the same year, William was also placed. [There is no paper trail for Roy, however, family legend states he went with William - did not like where he was and ran away, and William never heard of him again.]
In 1805, the property on Stoney Creek was sold for back taxes. And Sarah is found in Monroe County, owing "Nothing atall." Her only possessions her clothing and spinning wheel.
And from there, the trail runs cold for both.
Where oh where did you come from, William McBean? And where, oh where, did you go??? We know that you died, as Sarah is listed as a Widow in the 1805 tax rolls.
William, are you buried on the steep mountain sides of Stoney Creek? Were you lost forever to us?
These matters weigh upon my mind and I go mad wondering where the trail is for poor William McBean!
Alas, for my descendants, I hope to leave a paper trail that tells them all about me. [For starters, I've kept a diary since I was a teenager!] Then again, perhaps I'd best read over those diaries! Hmmm....
Perhaps sometimes we are not meant to know it all.
And that is so.........
Sunday, November 29, 2009
19th Edition of 'Smile for the Camera'

Genea-Bloggers is hosting the 19th Smile For The Camera!
The word prompt is “Gift”. We were given the following information: “It is the holiday season and a time for giving. So give Smile readers the gift of sharing, sharing a family photograph. It can be a gift given or received, it can be the gift of talent, it can be the gift of having the photograph itself. The interpretation of gift is yours. Admission is free with every photograph!
Your submission may include as many or as few words as you feel are necessary to describe your treasured photograph. Those words may be in the form of an expressive comment, a quote, a journal entry, a poem (your own or a favorite), a scrapbook page, or a heartfelt article. The choice is yours!”
I didn’t have to think too hard to come up with my special “gift”. She arrived all pink and squirmy, a skinny little bundle of baby on September 24th 1961 into our small household. And I was in love with her from the very start!
She was kind of sickly off and on the first few years, so we treasured her every moment with us! Then, at about 6 years of age she became a strong, vibrant young girl. Still skinny! We like to tease her still about having to wear suspenders with her skirts when she started to school, because she didn’t have enough “meat on her bones to hold up her skirts!”
When she was little we used to play together, we shared a bed off and on until we moved into a bigger house when I was about 7, and we used to take baths together regularly.
Yep! She’s my baby sister, Eydie! Actually, her real name is Velleda Kaye. Being only 22 months older than she, I couldn’t say her name when she was first born, and it came out “eedee”. Mommy, in her infinite wisdom, spelled it “Eydie”. And thus she was nicknamed!
Eydie married at only 16, and had her only child, also named Velleda, a year later at 17.
When Velleda was small, Eydie went to work in a nursing home as a Certified Nursing Assistant. She took every sort of training that was offered to her, even becoming registered to becoming a rehabilitation aid. About 1989 she left working for a nursing home and went to a physician’s private practice, where she soon became in charge of the entire practice! She earned several degrees along the way, including a degree in sedation, and finally settled on Bachelor Degrees in Medical Office and Business Managament.
In 1995 when our mother suffered a brain aneurysm and could no longer care for her own home, I was a single mother with 5 young children to raise. A small 14’ x 70’ mobile home, and no way to add our mother to my household that would be beneficial for her care. However, my beautiful sister opened her home, even to the point of building my parents their own suite of rooms, and have cared for them both ever since.
Eydie has taken in other family members during those years as well! Including two of my sons as they needed help and guidance!
Today, I am proud to say that Eydie is the unofficial/ official family matriarch, although our mother is alive and doing well! See, Eydie must make all of the important decisions for both of my parents, as Mommy isn’t able any longer, and Daddy asks for Eydie to do so. Eydie is the one whom we all rely upon. She is the one we lean on when we need someone to lean on. She is the shoulder we turn to when we need a shoulder to cry upon. She is the one we turn to when we want to share our joys, and our laughter. She is the one to whom we turn to for encouragement and support.
So, this is my special “gift”. I treasure it most for the laughter we have shared, and continue to share. And for the love which binds us together.
Black Sheep Sunday - November 29, 2009
William Bean, also known as "Irish" and as "Uncle Willie", was born to William Bean and Rachel Wiseman Bean on Dropping Lick in Monroe County, in what is now West Virginia. William met and married Miss Margaret Smith Perkins from Fort Spring in Greenbrier County on April 26, 1852. And, as nature would take its course, a family ensued.
Life was soon interrupted with the threat of a Civil War. And families were being torn apart with the dissension. Literally torn down the middle, the Bean family was no different than many other families of the Civil War. With one exception. William, taking a stand for the Union Army, silently decided to be an undercover agent. William, already enlisted in the Union Army, undercover, enlisted in the Confederate Army.His status remained undercover, and undetected, except by his purely Confederate father, who threatened to disown him. Two of William's brothers, Joseph Floyd Bean, and James Franklin Bean, were also enlisted in the Union Army, and were attached to an Ohio unit. This did not help their father's frustration at what appeared to be treason to the South.
To the world at large, William was true to the Bonny Blue! Then on July 13, 1864, William was taken as a Prisoner of War near Hagerstown, Maryland and sent to Elmira Prison in Elmira, New York. This was the Union's answer to the worst Confederate prisons! Prisoners who were sent to Elmira were expected to live no more than 6-months. Most wasted away to nothing more than skin stretched taut over bone. But William did not lose weight, and only spent a 6-week time in the present before being transferred, as a Union soldier, to Johnson Island in Ohio, a prison camp restricted to holding Confederate Officer's. This facility seemed more like a camp than a prison, and the inmates were treated with honor and dignity.
Shortly after William arrived in Ohio, his wife and children joined him, having moved by covered wagon pulled by oxen across enemy lines to be reunited.
Johnson Island became known for an infamous Confederate attempt to free the many officers held there with a stunning steamboat escape! However, an unknown soldier, fresh from Elmira Prison, only 2 weeks after the arrival of William at Johnson Island, thwarted the attempt by passing on vital information he had learned at the hands of the Confederate soldiers at Elmira. It is unknown if this information came from William, however, in reading Johnson Island's records, William was the most recent arrival from Elmira at that time, deductions lead one to believe it may have been he who thwarted the Confederate breakout!
Although William had 2 brothers who had also enlisted in the Union Army, he alone was singled out by family and friends in his mostly Confederate community as a "traitor to the Cause". William however, took it in stride.
In December of 1866, following the War and the birth of his son, John on the 15th of that month, and amidst the blowing, cold snows of winter, William and his family moved back to Monroe County, West Virginia. William, now recognized by the Federal Army and government as a Unionist, soon became active in local politics, and was made a U.S. Marshall. He remained so for the remainder of his life.
In 1890, a local constable named Henry Egleston, was sent to retrieve William's horse and buggy as a lien had not been paid on them. Meeting William at Keenan, he agreed to allow William to drive the horse and buggy back to his home first before taking them back to Union, the county seat. However, rounding the bend in Gap Mills, just below the first mill on the creek, Egleston, who was following closely behind William, pulled his pistol and fired through the buggy window in the rear of the buggy, hitting William in the back of the head.
William was carried to Dr. Pharr's home, just across the creek, where he died a short two hours later without ever regaining consciousness.
William was known as a "traitor to the Cause", and could be quite harsh to known Confederate sympathizer's following the War. But it is said that to his family he was loving and caring, and would have given his life in an instant for any one of them.
William McHarvey Bean was my great-grandfather, and I am proud to proclaim him my "Black Sheep" ancestor.
Surname Saturday - November 28, 2009 - BANET
Number 7 on my ahnentafel is Irene Caroline Banet. Irene is my grandmother, and we can trace her family back to around 1755, and France.
1. Cynthia Ann Beane (1959....)
3. Lois Velleda Dreher (1938)
7. Irene Caroline Banet was born 24 May 1906 in Indiana; died 08 Augu. 1989 in Gap Mills, Monroe, WV. She was the daughter of Francis Isidore Banet and Adeline Josephine Eve. She married Henry Condar Dreher, Jr. on 12 Dec. 1923 in Indiana. They had five children: Ethel, Arthur, Laura, Billy and Lois.
14. Francis Isidore Banet was born 15 Aug. 1863 in Indiana; died Apr 1945 in Indiana. He was the son of Isidore Banet and Rosalie Sprigler. He married Adeline Josephine Eve 31 Oct. 1893 in Floyd County, Indiana. They had the following children: Robert, Arthur, Charles, Augustin, Francis, Clarence, Irene and Lorene.
28. Isadore Banet was born 27 Sep. 1832 in Jourmenot, France; died 30 May 1901in FLoyd Knobs, Floyd, Indiana. He was the son of Ettiene Banet and Francoise Bidaine. He married Rosalie Sprigler in Indiana. They had the following children: Rosa, Mary, Francis, Victoria, Joseph, Josephine, John, Philip, and Mary.
56: Ettiene Banet was born 17 Jan. 1795 in Arcy, District De L'Isle, Dept. De Doubs, France; died 18 April 1871 in Floyd Knobs, Floyd, Indiana. He was the son of Ettiene Banet and Jean Claudine Guignard. He married Francoise Bidaine on 01 Oct. 1821 in Arcey, France. They had the following children: Paul, Francois, Francois-Emanuel, Joseph, Josephine, Isadore, Ferre'ol, Aime, Adele, Joseph-Ettiene, Catherine, and Adolph.
112: Ettiene Banet was born about 1755 in France. He married Jeanne Claudine Guignard. The only known child is Ettiene Banet, the younger.
Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - November 27, 2009
On Randy Weaver's GeneaMusings
Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to find which celebrities that have the same facial features that you (or someone else you choose) have. Here are the directions:
1) Go to - you don't have to be a registered member to use this feature. Click on the "Celebrities and Fun" tab.
2) Click on the "Celebrity Collage" tab, and then on the "Create my Collage" button.
3) Upload a photograph with your face (or another person's face) to the site (the face must be at least 100 x 100 pixels) and click on the "Run face recognition" button.
4) Select a collage template, and the faces (up to 8) to go into the collage template. Click on "Next" and "Preview" your template, which should bring up the template for you to review. You could click on "Save" and it would go off to your selected social networking site.
5) Figure out how to show your collage on your blog or social network site (I have my own process defined below).
6) Tell us which celebrities that you (or your selected person) look alike - write your own blog post, make a comment to this post or on Facebook.
7) Think about how you could use something like this as a Christmas gift.
With that in mind, my celebrity collage is pictured below! [Incidentally Randy, the directions for posting the collage directly to your own personal blog are listed on the site after making your collage!]
With a 61% match is actor Kelsey Grammer and also at 61% actor Wayne Knight.
At 58% is actress/ comedian Whoopi Goldberg.
At 56% is French-born actor Alain Delon [known as the contemporary of American actor James Dean.]
Also at 56% is actor Robert Duvall.
At 55% is actor Samuel L. Jackson.
Also at 55% is the late Austrian/American composer, Arnold Schoenberg.
And at 54% is ex-Beatle drummer, Ringo Starr.
As for how I could use this for Christmas gifts?
1: Mount it poster-paper and place on a hay bale for targets for my archery shooting family members.
2: Mount on a poster with a bullseye superimposed for my dart-throwing family members.
3: Print it out with glow-in-the-dark ink and threaten to hang it in the teenagers bedrooms if they don't get their homework done!
4: Give it to everyone in my family that I DON'T really want to buy something nice for!
As for the collage itself....
Hmmm....wonder if this says anything about my femininity? Should I feel less so because I have been matched to only one female?
Randy, I'm not sure, but you may have caused me to develop a complex from this! Perhaps I should call my therapist first thing in the morning!
Darn...I'll never get to sleep now!
Good night all!!!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Follow Friday - 27 November 2009
With that in mind, I'd like to introduce you to one of my favorite genealogy blogs: AnceStories: The Stories of My Ancestors.
This lively blog is written by Miriam Robbins Midkiff. Miriam's byline is "Welcome to my blog about my genealogical research: my triumphs, my challenges, my research some tips and links for you." And she delivers!
AnceStories is full of information, insight and plain fun!
Miriam makes this a delightful resting place in the daily grind!
Adwell Marries Jones

I am putting together a short genealogical book for my newborn granddaughter, Kaylee, for Christmas this year. It's one of this simple "fill-in" 'OUR FAMILY TREE' books. You just fill-in the blanks and the work is completed. I have made one of these books for each new-born grandchild, with a printed history of our entire genealogy given to each child for safe-keeping for their children.
Last night as I was working on filling in Kaylee's book, I realized I had never taken the time to get a copy of her great-grandparents marriage record [my ex-husband's parents]. Thankfully, I have access to those records online, and was able to look it up in only a matter of seconds.
Elmer Lewis Adwell was born on 31 Oct. 1933 in Greenbrier Co., WV. He died on 18 Sep. 1995 in Greenbrier Co., WV. He was married to Mary Lillian Jones on 24 May 1855 in Union, Monroe Co., WV. Mary was born on 17 Mar. 1932 in Glace, Monroe Co., WV. She died on 19 Sep. 2002 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., WV.
Elmer was the son of Sylvester Adwell and Naomi Bennett. Mary was the daughter of Charles Franklin Jones and Della Mae Morris.
The couple are buried in the Dowdy Cemetery, Glace, Monroe Co., WV.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
10 Things I Am Thankful For This Year...
I am preparing to leave with my dear hubby, son and grandson to go to my sister's farm for the day, where we will celebrate with feast and family. As I sit here, I began to reflect on just what I am truly thankful for. And so I decided to list for you my top ten for the year:
1: I am thankful for my health. These past 3 months I have been on a new health regimen that has allowed me to lose 59 pounds, and reverse many of my health issues. What a blessing!
2: At 50 years of age, I still have BOTH of my parents, and they are in very good health!
3: For a wonderful sister, who is there through thick and thin! Where would I be without her love and support?
4: I have a warm roof over my head. I watch the news and see the many homeless this season, and realize that but for the grace of God, I could easily be one of them!
5: For the plenty on my table. God has blessed me with an abundance, to such extent that I became a glutton and was nearly 200 pounds overweight!!! I have since learned to eat in moderation, and to be thankful for each morsel that He gives me!
6: For warm clothing on my back. I saw a young child and mother the other day at Walmart, begging for money for a coat for the little boy. I wouldn't give them the money, but I took them inside and paid for the child's coat. It was $25. A small price to pay from my pocket. And the pair was so grateful, the mother cried. Again, but for the grace of God, I could be the one cold!
7: For a job! I know, I work for myself. And I don't make alot of money. But my dh and I get by! We have learned to live within our income. We neither borrow nor use credit. I get to work from home. And I get to do what I love most...genealogy!
8: For my education. I cannot imagine a life without being able to read or comprehend the written word. I cannot imagine a world without being able to write down my many [often rambling] thoughts! Besides keeping 4 blogs, I also write daily in a diary and a food journal. It seems I am forever writing!
9: For my pets. Always an animal person, I cannot imagine our home without our beloved Chihuahua Chica, and our female kitty, Fred. They are as much our family as anyone!
10: For dear, sweet hubby, John. Without John I would be nothing. Heck, I probably wouldn't even be alove today if not for John! When we met 12 years ago, I was diagnosed with lung cancer [no, I never smoked!] and was given a 6-month prognosis. I say love healed me! In 3 months doctors could find no trace of the cells in my lungs. And that's how our relationship began! Would you believe it's only gotten better and better over the years? It has! He is my support, my encouragement, my mentor, my rock, my anchor. Without him, I am nothing!!! [I love you Johnnie!]
Need I tell you what is the most important of these? They are all important of course!!!
I am so very blessed this Thanksgiving. I have all of my needs met. All of my desires met. And I am loved by the greatest bunch of family members any one could ever ask for!
Here's wishing you are just as wonderfully blessed this day!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Military Pride...
The US Navy Ceremonial Guard Silent Drill Team competing in the May 2009 Norway events. They competed competed against units from all over NATO. And won.
It's easy to see why once you watch this video.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday - November 24, 2009

Samuel Maxwell "Max" Bean is another of my little angel Uncle's. He was the son of John Monroe Bean [my grandfather] and Ada Burdette Bean, his second wife.
The history of my grandfather's children can be a bit confusing, and I have touched on this subject from time to time.
John Monroe Bean was born in 1866 in Cincinnati, Ohio. His father had been a Union spy during the Civil War. He had actually enlisted in the Confederate Army, and served part of the War under the Stars and Bars, but was in reality doing under-cover work for the Union Army. In 1864, he was taken as a POW to Elmira Prison [Elmira, NY], but when his status was discovered, was then transferred as a Union soldier to Johnson Island, Ohio, where he was now guarding Union Army officers. In the meantime, his wife, with the aid of one of her brothers, left Monroe County, West Virginia with an oxen drawn wagon, and traveled to Ohio, to meet up with her husband. She had 3 little children at the time.
John was born in December of 1866, and just a couple of weeks after his birth, the family moved back to West Virginia in the same fashion they had moved to Ohio, by oxen drawn wagon. The story was told that they nearly froze to death on the trek. Mother Bean tucked the newborn inside of her dress next to her chest, to keep him warm. [John was the shortest adult in his family. Shorter even than his sisters, at only 5'5". He used to laugh and say it was the extreme cold he was exposed to as a baby, it "stunted" his growth.]
John had been raised in the great reformation and rebuilding of the nation following the Civil War. He saw where a merchant could ostensibly make very good money. And as an adult, John was forever attempting to make his fortune as a merchant. Unfortunately, John wasn't a very good merchant, and so when his business would fail, John would fall back onto what he knew best, farming.
John remained single for quite some time. In May of 1890 his father was killed in a gun shooting [his father was a US Marshall at this point]. In June of 1891, just 13 months later, his mother died at the age of 55. It is said she died of a broken heart.
In 1895 John met and fell in love for the first time. A beautiful, diminutive woman from Waiteville, his hometown, named Blanche Crosier. Blanche had a very rough time as a child, her father leaving the family and her mother dying at a young age. She was raised by relatives. But she longed for a family of her own. The couple were wed on June 26th of that year. In November of 1896 they had a daughter, Rita; in July of 1899 a son, Lama; and in July 1902, another daughter, Pauline. By the time Pauline was born, Blanche was extremely ill with "consumption" [tuberculosis]. Doctors tried experimental treatments of creosote to cure her, only to accelerate her demise. Blanche slipped away from this life in October of 1902.
John sent his youngest to live with his brother and his wife, Sam and Mattie. And he "batched" it with his eldest daughter and son.
Then, in March of 1907, John took off by buggy to Greenbrier County. There he set off to find himself a wife, and find one he did. A large-boned, strapping woman named Ada Burdette. Ada was a strong, Christian woman. She worked hard through all that life threw at her. And she and John brought Pauline home and began to raise even more children. In 1908, John Jr.; in 1910, Emmette; in 1912, Audrey; in 1914, Margaret [now our family matriarch]; in 1917, Bill [now our family patriarch]; in 1919, little Max; in 1921, Eleanor; in 1923, little Eloise; and in 1929, Jack. By the time Jack was born, Ada was 46 years of age. She had worked hard to care for her family during her pregnancy, and had not seen a physician. Unfortunately, toxemia took her life just 5 days after the birth of Jack. And John was left with yet more family and another newborn infant without a mother. Jack was sent to live with Ada's sister and her husband.
In 1935, with no children remaining at home, and John now 69 years old, he felt he needed a wife to help take care of him and run his home. He met and married another large-boned, hard-working Christian woman from Sweet Springs [just across the mountain from Waiteville], named Mary Faudree [my grandmother]. Mary was 38 when the two were wed. And John was still spry enough for more children. And so the two began their family.
Walter "Buster" was born in 1937; Edsel in 1939; and Roy in 1943. [Yes, John was in his 70's for each of these final 3 children's births!] John lived until 1955, where at the age of 89 he suffered a stroke and died. Mary lived another 20 years, until January 1st, 1975. The couple are buried side by side at New Zion Union Church Cemetery, in Waiteville.
And so, that is the story of my varied aunts and uncles. There are a total of 15 children born to my grandfather by 3 wives.
Getting back to little "Max", he was a healthy and happy child. Until December of 1923, when he got a chest cold that wouldn't go away. At first they feared he had perhaps contracted tuberculosis. But that was ruled out. Little Max's cough became so brutal that he would turn blue from the exertion of coughing. And on December 16th 1923, little Max gave up the fight. It was determined that whooping cough took his life. Within 2 years John and Ada would lose another 2 children, Pauline and a sweet baby girl, Eloise, to tuberculosis.
Each year, my Dad and I visit all of their graves. We clean them up, and place flowers on the adults, and flowers and toys on the children's graves. It's our way of memorializing them. No, we never knew this little Uncle. But his presence, and his "memory" are as real, and as alive and part of our heritage as any living member today. His parents loved him dearly, and mourned and grieved his passing.
In the little cemetery where Max is buried, [Carmel Cemetery in Gap Mills], the graves are layed in rows. Standing in a row, side-by-side are Max, Roy, Eloise and Pauline. The row directly in front of them, directly in front of Pauline's grave, is Ada's. Almost as though, even in death she watches over those precious little charges.
As long as I am alive, I will make sure that those graves are maintained. And these precious lives are remembered and treasured. That is why I do what I do! I chose to work in genealogical research so that our ancestors are NOT forgotten, but are remembered and revered.
So, for today, I bring you Samuel Maxwell Bean, little "Max", my precious little Uncle.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Madness Monday - November 23, 2009
This week I was reminded of one of my "pet peeves" in performing research online. This week's newsletter has a tip from a reader that share her struggle in locating an ancestor in the 1870 Census records. That is, she struggled until she reversed the given and surnames. And suddenly, oila, the record came up. Sure enough, the person who had indexed the census had accidentally transposed the first and last name.
Ah....if only had a nickle for every transposed name on an index, or misspelled name on an index, or even parts of the name totally left out on an index! Well... you get my point, I'd have my piggy bank full of nickles by now, for sure!
I've only come across about a dozen census records in my more than 12 years of research that I could not decipher. I actually relish reading the handwriting of the 19th century census records. So, I am appalled at the number of transcriptionists who make blatant errors on indexing these records! It has been my understanding for years that many individuals actually transcribe these records, and then the greater number of matches among a single record becomes the printed index.
Well, let me tell you, there are quite a few indexes out there that need to be updated by someone who can read the written [cursive] word a bit better!!!
As most everyone knows, my main line of research follows my maiden name, Beane, or the older version, Bean. I have seen it indexed in so many outrageous fashions that it would be impossible to list them all! Blan, Boon, Baan, Bone, Been, Biin, and well, you get the idea!
Transposed names happen quite frequently as well. Especially in looking up my husband's family name. Henry. I suppose since most people associate the name Henry with a given name, it would be quite easy to transpose. Especially when the given name is also a name that is frequently used as a surname. Such is the case in one of my husband's ancestors, Lee. I have found three separate records for him listed under the transposed name of Henry Lee instead of Lee Henry.
It's quite plain to see why so many older genealogists and researchers prefer to leave the computer alone and stick with good old hands on approach to research!
That being said, while I do so enjoy visiting the court house, and county clerk's office and digging through musty books and records, and the absolute thrill of finding that single entry on a faded yellow page, I can't help but be thrilled when 7 or 8 days of flipping through those old registers and books is diminished to a mere 30-second wait when querying an online index, and the instant gratification of having a digital copy of the document on my computer in seconds, with a printed copy in my hand just 30-seconds later! Even so, when I become aggravated over a transposed or misspelled name, I find myself saying things like, "Give me a register in the county clerk's office any day over this!"
Ah.... of such is the things we must put up with in today's new genealogy quest!
And don't ya just love it?
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Black Sheep Sunday - 22 November 2009

When Wes went to prison in October 1878, after killing 24 known men [although Wes always claimed it was 27], Jim was left with his wife and children for the next 16 years, his partner locked away in Huntsville.
Jim was a known abuser of his wife and children. His wife, Annie Tennille Clements, was the daughter of George Tennille, one of the original settlers in the Austin settlement in Texas. Annie was a tiny woman, and some say she never reached 5-feet in height. Yet she bore Jim 11 children, with only 2 [Crawford and Nancy Ann] not reaching adulthood.
In 1894 Hardin is released from prison. But in the very next year, his bad boy ways catch up with him when John Selman, Sr. guns him down with a shot from behind in the Acme Saloon in El Paso.
Jim, who by now is working solely as a cowboy, becomes even rougher with his family. They take the brunt of his drinking when he is home from trail drives, in his cursing and beatings.
Arriving home in the spring of 1897 from a trail drive, Jim finds his wife attempting to hide the fact that one of his daughters is pregnant and unwed. The story goes that she is expecting the child of a Mexican man. At that time the stigma was comparable to a white girl and a black man having a child in the south. Jim threatens to "stomp the kid from her belly". Annie, being the fierce mother and protector, steps in between her daughter and her husband, and takes the full force of his anger as she screams for her daughter to run.
The girl does run. And she runs to Annie's brother's home, Thomas Connelly Tennille. "Tom" gathered some men folk together and they came running to the aid of his sister, Annie, whom they feared would not survive an attack of brutal force from Jim.
And here the story becomes blurred. Official reports from the legal authorities of the day say that Jim's horse was found with blood on its saddle. But Jim was nowhere to be found.
An inquest into the death, and or murder, of James Clements, was held. Annie Clements was questioned. As was her brother, Thomas. However, both answered all questions in such a manner that no charges could be brought against either for the disappearance of Jim.
Many years later, family lore states that Annie shot and killed Jim in self-defense. Her brother, Tom, arriving to her aid, assisted her in hiding the body of Jim in wash. Later, the body is presumed to have washed away with the spring floods.
However, in more recent years, a tale has been told of a young woman, a descendant, whose father used to check on Jim's grave each year to make sure it was still covered with rock. Although it was "out away from any place where no one would find it". She states she went to the grave only once as a child, and couldn't locate it today. However, she, like Annie, was married to an abusive husband at one point. Her father and uncle took her young husband out to Jim's grave to point out that in this family this is what happens to men who beat up on their wives. She states for the remainder of their 10-year marriage, he never raised another hand to her again!,
Officially, Jim died on 22 May 1897 in Dewitt County, Texas. Although authorities stated it might have been a day or even two earlier, judging by the dried blood on Jim's saddle.
Annie went on to live a long life. She finished raising her young family [her youngest was only a year old when Jim died]. Annie died on 14 October 1936 in San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, surrounded by her loving family.
Annie's 8th born child, Laura May Clements, was born 12 May 1890. And she could recall some things about her father, which she shared with her young great-grandson before she passed away in 1960. That 11 year old great-grandson, is my dear husband, John. So, I have been privileged to hear some of the stories directly from him.
The rest? Through thorough research in Texas inquest files, birth, death and marriage records. Through books on John Wesley Hardin. And even through JWH's own book, which he penned shortly after being released from prison. Wes spoke of his cousin, Jim, almost reverently. The two men admired, even loved, one another, as only cousins can.
John's great-grandmother stated that the men were not as they were portrayed to be. They were rough, to be sure, but they were also a product of their time. Killing "when it was needed". Laura May would not talk badly about her father, Jim, nor of Wes Hardin.
Such is the stuff legends are born from.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Surname Saturday - 21 November 2009
It is believed that before 1792 the spelling was actually "McBean". And that particular ancestor [my gr-gr-gr-grandfather] is believed to have been a conscripted soldier in the American Revolution from either Ireland or Scotland [DNA evidence pushes that possibility more to Ireland than Scotland]. Family lore states he "served under Lord Cornwallis" during the Revolution. We know he received land grants in the western lands of Virginia [into what is now West Virginia]. He disappears from all records about 1803-1804, and his children are placed for indenture in 1804. His land is sold in 1805 for back taxes. And his widow is listed on the tax rolls of 1805 as owing "nothing atall, owning only her spinning wheel and clothes".
The next generation is immediately known at birth as "Bean". There were 2 of the brothers. One had a rather large family. And the other, has had no spouse or family found on record to date. He died alone, with only a friend reporting his death, and his grave unknown.
The brother with family married and had 13 children. All of these children were born with the last name "Bean". But it is with this generation that we begin to see a division in those utilizing the "e" on the end of the name. There are complete lines of this generation that remain without the "e" to this very day. However, most have morphed into the now known "Beane".
My gr-grandfather was in that generation. His was a rather strange case, as at times he used the "e" on the end of his name, and at others he did not. Even reflecting this uncertainty in his own signatures, sometimes signing with- sometimes signing without. However, his children were all born without the "e" on the end of their name.
My own grandfather falls into this next generation. Grandpa was adamant that the family not have the "e" on the end of their name. And each child was born with the last name "Bean". Their birth records ALL reflect this. However, as they reached adulthood, each and every one adopted the little alphabetical change to their name. My own Dad's birth certificate lists his last name as "Bean", however, all other documents reflect his name as "Beane". By the time I came along, and all of my cousins, the "e" was a permanent fixture.
I do have "cousins" from the other branches of our family, in Kentucky and Arizona, whohave remained true to the "Bean" name. That is if one can say the name is true! We know that it metamorphed from McBean to Bean before it ever transformed to Beane.
It will be interesting to peek into our name in another 300 years, and see just what it has become by then! Perhaps "Bene" or Biene" or Bien" or just "Ben".
Only time will tell.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Footnote Posts Native American Records Online!
-Original records dating back to early 1700s become available on the Internet for the first time-
Lindon, UT – November 19, 2009 – announced today the release of their latest interactive collection of historical records: the Native American collection. Working together with the National Archives and Allen County Library, has created a unique collection that will help people discover new details about Native American history.
The Footnote Interactive Native American Collection features original historical documents including:
•Ratified Indian Treaties – dating back to 1722
•Indian Census Rolls – featuring personal information including age, place of residence and degree of Indian blood
•The Guion Miller Roll – perhaps the most important source of Cherokee genealogical research
•Dawes Packets – containing original applications for tribal enrollments
•And other documents relating to the Five Civilized Tribes
Footnote’s Native American microsite creates an interactive environment where members can search, annotate and add comments to the original documents. Additionally, visitors can view pages for many of the Native American tribes that include historical events on a timeline and map, a photo gallery, stories and comments added by the community.
“Much like putting a puzzle together, brings pieces together in the form of historical documents to create a more vibrant picture of the events and people of the past,” says Justin Schroepfer, Marketing Director at “Together with the online community we are discovering a side of history that you cannot find in text books.” also provides a free service where visitors can create their own web pages for their Native American family. “Native Americans have a rich oral history,” explains Russ Wilding, CEO of “We hope that the online community will use Footnote Pages to preserve these stories, which will help ensure that they do not become lost to future generations.”
Visit to see how Native American history has become an interactive experience.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Treasure Chest Thursday - 19 Nov. 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Wordless Wednesday - 18 November 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
My Newest Holiday Recipe...
Unfortunately, for some of us, age hasn’t been as kind as to others, and we can no longer indulge in the sweets we once did during the holidays. This year I am faced with that dilemma and have diligently been searching, and trying out, new recipes that will make my holidays seem just like those old-fashioned sugar-laden ones!
Here’s a recipe that I will not only enjoy while others are eating their fruitcake, sugar cookies, and drinking their egg nog, but that I can be proud to share with others, and not even have to announce “here’s some sugar-free Christmas fun!” These are delicious for ANYONE! [They're even Grandchildren approved!]
Peppermint Meringue Kisses
Makes: 24 Kisses
Serving Size: 2 kisses per serving
3 large egg whites
2/3 cup Splenda [or you can use Truvia]
1 pinch cream of tartar
¼ teaspoon vanilla
6 tablespoons finely crushed sugar-free peppermint candies (about 12 sugar-free peppermints)
1: Preheat oven to 225 degrees Fahrenheit. Line baking sheets with parchment paper.
2: Place egg whites, Splenda and cream of tartar in heatproof mixing bowl and place over pan of simmering water. Heat, whisking constantly, 3 to 3 ½ minutes, or until mixture is warm to touch. Remove from heat and beat with an electric mixer, starting on low speed and gradually increasing to high, until stiff, glossy peaks form, about 3 to 5 minutes. Add vanilla; mix until combined. Fold in peppermints to mixture.
3: For each meringue, drop 2 tablespoons batter onto cookie sheet. Bake 1 hour; turn off oven and allow to cool in oven 1 additional hour or until they can easily be removed from parchment.
Dietary Information:
Calories: about 4 calories per serving
Total Fat: 0g
Saturated Fat: 0g
Protein: 1g
Carbohydrate: less than 5g
Cholesterol: 0mg
Dietary Fiber: <1g
Sodium: 14mg
Tombstone Tuesday - November 17, 2009
Location of the stones are unknown.
But take a moment and look at the following 13 stones. These are amazing works of art, and speak volumes of those who are buried there!

Monday, November 16, 2009
My Kreativ Blogger Award
And so, it now seems, having accepted this award, that I must reveal seven things about myself, that I have never revealed to anyone via my blog, Facebook, or Twitter. So... here goes:
1: I grew up in Norfolk, Virginia. Moved to West Virginia's hill's when I was a teenager. But to hear my voice, I am often mistaken for someone from the "deep-south". I drawl my words and have pronounced southern accent. While I have a fair knowledge of proper English, I speak with such idiosyncratic words as "ain't", "ya'll" and "duh" with most folks. However, when speaking with a more refined party, I try to remember I was raised properly and attempt to make my Mother proud of my speech!
2: I have always loved listening to the stories told me by seniors of their youth and younger days. Today, I love to sit and listen to my own Dad recall stories about his father and his ancestors. I am entranced by them!
3: When I was 4 years old, I once was playing in a tool shed [which had been converted into a playhouse for my 2-year old sister and I and it sat in our backyard]. My little sister was forever following me around then. So, struggling as best as I could, I climbed up on a bench, pulling and tugging my 2-year old sibling with me. At that point, I picked her up and shoved her onto a shelf high on the wall. Where I left her until my Mother went looking for her, alerted by the screams and cries that were emanating from the closed door of the tool shed. [And which incident my dear sister has never let me forget!]
4: Sad to say, but the truth is, I have been married 4 times in my lifetime. [Took me that many times to get it right!] My first husband and I were married 15-years and have 5 wonderful grown children together [I was a 16-year old child bride]. My second husband and I were married 6-months. And my third husband and I were married 2-years. But my dh, John, and I have been married nearly 12 years. And, yes, we both, finally got it right!!!
5: If I were a rich woman, I'd be a perpetual student in some fine university, studying everything I could get my hands on! I am a voracious reader, and self-teach myself a variety of subjects through my own voracity. Genealogy was one of those subjects. Currently, I am learning about the history of the Freemasons and Rosicrucian's. [Yes, I recently read "The Lost Symbol"... Dan Brown does it to me every time he writes something new!]
6: I was once diagnosed [in 1997] with incurable lung cancer [oat cell carcinoma]
and given a 6-month prognosis. [Nope, never smoked more than a half-pack of cigarettes in my life!!!] I underwent radiation, and was to begin chemotherapy when x-rays and subsequent biopsy showed I was miraculously healed! [I say love me cured me! It was a few weeks after my dh, John, and I were engaged. And yes, he knew I was an ill-fated partner when he proposed. But he proposed anyway. That's what true love is all about!] Did I say I was a romantic at heart, too?
and lastly,
7: I am the eldest child of my parents, who were both military service enlistee's when they met and married in the 50's. My mother is the youngest of her five siblings. My Dad is the 13th born of 15 siblings. So I have always been around a large family. Perhaps that is what led me to produce five children of my own. [I recently announced the birth of my 12th grandchild!]
And so, now perhaps you know a little bit more about me that you did before I received this award! [The "Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" so to speak!]
So, in the vein of this award, I must now pass it on to 7 other bloggers. So, with that in mind, I sat and contemplated to whom this should next fall. So, I chose my top 7 bloggers, of whom I never start my day without reading what they have last written:
Virginia Genealogy Blog
Creative Gene
Family History Thoughts and Links
Moultrie Creek
Footnote Maven
I can certainly name many more that deserve this award for their ingenuity and wonderful writing style! But these are the first 7 on my list!
Many thanks Thomas for this award! I sincerely treasure it! - cbh
Madness Monday - November 16, 2009
I tell my family, "Tis the season!"
My little pet peeve this morning are clients who contact me this time of year, and want me to perform a miracle in time for the Christmas gift-giving season!
"I have always wanted to give my Dad our family's genealogy in a printed book. We don't know anything about our family, except my Dad's parents names, but you can do that in time for me to give it to him for Christmas, can't you?"
If I tell them no, that we'll need more time, I am invariably met with, "Well, I thought you could do it all on the computer these days!"
For some reason, there is the insane idea that genealogy is performed strictly on the computer [Internet], and we don't need to dig through smelly, dusty archives or records any more! [Which is half the fun of the search to me!!!]
Most people today are amazed when they realize just how much we still rely on the old leg work to get this thing we call genealogy done! They are under the false impression that because such sites as advertise their vast storehouse of digital records online, that we should be able to see everything online! When in fact, those digital records [for which we are eternally grateful for!] are only the very tip of the research iceberg.
For new clients, I usually recommend that we start with a research project of about 40-hours. This does not mean a 40-hour work week. But 40-hours of actual research time. So, there is no way under the sun this 40-hours is completed within one work week! That 40-hours is probably going to take the better part of 4-6 weeks to complete. Why? Because I will drive to the nearest Family History Library Center [for me that's 2-hours away.] and research there. I will go to my local library. I will go to the courthouse. I will go to the state archives. I will visit countless cemeteries. I will go to funeral homes and mortuaries. And I will make endless numbers of phone calls and interview family members. I may even interview neighbors!
Once I have completed all of that, then I must put all of the information I have obtained into some kind of, and some semblance of, a legible report! Prepare my personal thoughts on the research, as well as my professional.
No... there's no way that a client phoning me today, November 16th, can possibly expect me to have a decent start on performing a genealogy report, from scratch [no previous knowledge of ancestry] by Christmas.
And that, just drives me m-a-a-a-a-a-a-d!!!!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Saturday Night Challenge - 14 November 2009
"What is the Nicest Thing another genealogist did for you, or to you, in the last week or so? (If you have no examples for this past week, go back in time - surely someone has done a nice thing for you in recent years!)."
And so, armed with this challenge I thought back to my latest kindness by another researcher [there have been so many over the years! and so I chose the most recent]. From out of the blue I received an email from a very distant cousin [4th cousin once removed] that I was unaware even existed! He had been reading Mountain Genealogists blog when he realized that we shared not one, but at least [the very least!] three common ancestors! [All from different lines!!!]
This spry gentleman, who now lives in Florida, but was born and raised in Ohio, is a young 84-years of age. He has been so kind to share with me not only valuable information regarding a branch of the family for which we had little information about it, but also a wonderful treasure trove of anecdotal stories, essays and diaries.
I'm afraid, due to attempting to meet client demands for the upcoming holidays [I have had a large rush of clients wanting family tree research performed in time for holiday gift-giving this year!] that I haven't been able to work with my new-found cousin as much as I'd like! I am hoping once the holidays are behind us that we can collaborate and see a great deal of progress in shared genealogy!
So, Earl, if you are reading this, I haven't forgotten you! And I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your time and sharing all you have! You are, indeed, my treasure box for 2009!!!
Blessings this Saturday evening to all! - cbh
Friday, November 13, 2009
Follow Friday....13 November 2009

Dick Eastman
I love the byline on EOGN website:
"The DAILY newsletter for genealogy consumers, packed with straight talk - hold the sugar coating - whether the vendors like it or not! "
And believe me, Dick delivers! Straight talk, no punches held back! If he likes something, he'll say so and why. If he doesn't, the same holds true. He's gonna tell you like it is.
I'm not afraid to confide in you and say that there have been quite a few recommendations that Dick has given, and I have used the program, or service, he wrote about. Dick's analysis has been right on with everything I have tried so far.
Dick's EOGN is delivered daily to either your email or news reader [I personally use the Google Reader service, so that I can receive all of my newsletters and blogs in one convenient location. Trying to keep up with reading a little over 80 different sources a day is difficult when you begin going to their particular site's to read! If you're not utilizing a reader service, give it a try! The convenience is wonderful! And yes... another recommendation by Dick a while back!] And his newsletter is FREE!
Dick also offers a Plus Edition which is delivered once a week. It comes at a low cost.[Extremely low for the vast amount of information you receive!]
The Plus Edition is really more of a digital magazine! It's a large resource, that covers all of the previous weeks free edition, plus many more articles that Dick reserves just for this Plus edition! I personally save all of mine, and then every 6 months burn them to CD and have them archived for retrieval. They make a wonderful addition to any genealogy library! [You'll want to keep them!]
Dick covers such items as how to go about performing a genealogy search, to programs to retain the information you have obtained in research, to new computer gadgets and programs, to safekeeping of your computer files! [A few years ago after a particularly bad computer crash, that cost me over a thousand dollars, and an ex-CIA computer wizard to perform a retrieval of lost records, I searched through my old articles by Dick, and found the perfect backup system! It has served me faithfully ever since, running silently in the background with me scarcely noting it is working! Thanks Dick!]
Dick also performs some marvellous interviews with genealogy personality's at various events across the country. He is personable and knowledgeable, making watching one of his interviews a treat. You never walk away from one without having gained knowledge in some area of genealogy.
I personally recommend EOGN and it's Plus Edition. You'll be more than satisfied that you subscribed. My only but in recommending it, is that you learn to save each newsletter [especially the Plus Edition weekly] and archive them for later retrieval. You'll be glad you did!
Happy Follow Friday!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Update on Kaylee...
Mommy is up and taking a shower as I write this!
Last night conditions were listed as "serious but stable". Today stable and going home in 2 or 3 days!!!
Please continue your prayers until we get them safely home!
Many thanks to all! - cbh
Kaylee Ann Arrives...
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday - November 10, 2009
"Eloise" was the 11th child born to John Monroe Bean, Sr., and the 6th born to his second wife, Ada Burdette Bean.
John's first wife, Blanche Crosier Bean, had died in 1902, leaving him with 3 very small children; the youngest, Pauline, was exactly 3-months old when her mother died of "consumption" [tuberculosis]. The doctors had tried many "home remedies" to cure Blanche, including drinking large quantities of creosote in milk. [Today we know those "cures" probably hastened her demise.]
In 1907, John then married Ada Burdette. The couple was plagued with heartache!
Samuel Maxwell Bean was born to the couple on 27 April 1919. "Max" was a very young 4-years old when he developed whooping cough and died on 16 December 1923.
Young Pauline, who aspired to become a missionary, and who attended God's Bible College in Ohio, developed tuberculosis. While it did not affect her lungs, she developed a kind then known as "scrofula". Her body developed huge boil-like lesions all over it. She was racked in pain. Her college roommate also developed tuberculosis, but was sent west to a sanatorium, and survived. [She went on to have a large family, and lived until the 1980's.]
Pauline, loved her step-mother and the brothers and sisters her father and step-mother added to the family. But little Eloise was her favorite. She'd sit for hours and cuddle with the baby. She even took the wee one into her bed with her at night, to help care for her.
Of course, poor little Eloise contracted tuberculosis, from being so close to her big sister, Pauline. The baby died on February 14, 1925 [Valentine's Day].
Pauline lived only until June 25th of the same year, when she succumbed.
On 10 August 1929, Ada gave birth to a son, Jack. Ada, who had not received proper pre-natal care, developed toxemia during the pregnancy. She died 5-days after the birth of her son.
Ada, Max, Pauline, and Eloise are all buried in the Carmel Cemetery at Gap Mills, Monroe County, West Virginia.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Almost Wordless Wednesday - November 4, 2009